
四年级英语上册 unit 1-6 单元测试(苏教牛津版)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:39次 大小:15437Byte 来源:二一课件通
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本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com (苏教牛津版)四年级英语上册 Unit 1-6 单元测试 听力部分20% 一、听录音,找出句子中含有的单词.词组或句子(听两遍)。10% ( )1.A. copybook B. notebook C. storybook ( )2.A.monkey B. lion C. panda ( )3.A.a bike B. a toy bike C. a kite ( )4.A. purses B. puzzles C. puppets ( )5.A.your B. his C. her ( )6.A.a brown balloon B. a blue balloon C. a black balloon ( )7.A.am not B. don't C. aren't ( )8.A.on the book B. in the book C. in my book ( )9.A.It's nice. B. It's lovely. C. How nice! ( )10.A.She's in the park. B. She's in the TV room. C. She's in the classroom. 二、听录音,判断下列各句应答是否正确,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。 (听两遍)5% ( )1.No, it isn't. ( )2.Yes, it is. ( )3.How lovely! ( )4.Sorry. I don't know. ( )5.It’s seven forty. 三、听录音,选出所听句子的正确译文。(听两遍)5% ( )1.A.那是谁的夹克衫? B.那是一件夹克衫吗? ( )2.A.你的狮子在哪儿? B.这是你的狮子吗? ( )3.A.请进来。 B.我能进来吗? ( )4.A.我想要这只熊猫。 B.我喜欢这只熊猫。 ( )5.A.我想要这只蓝色的钱包。 B.这是只蓝色的钱包。 笔试部分80% 一、判断每组单词划线字母的发音是否相同,用“S”表示相同,用“D”表示不同。5% ( )1.boy rubber ( ) 2. cap nice ( )3.whose who ( ) 4.know kite ( )5.jeans sweater 二、翻译词组。26% 1.她的圆珠笔 2.这只玩具老虎 this 3.杨林的书签 4.用英语(表达) 5.三辆公共汽车 6.在课桌上 the 7.喜欢风筝 8.一只绿色的钱包 a 9.一条长围巾a 10.In which box 11.一双鞋a of 12. I don’t know. 13.去上学go 14.Shall we go by bus 15.Don’t worry. 三、找出不同类的单词,把序号写在题前括号内。8% ( )1.A.colour B.schoolbag C.copybook ( )2.A.TV room B.photo C.classroom ( )3.A.pear B.1ion C.tiger ( )4.A.your B.her C.that ( )5.A.monkey B.balloon C.puppet ( )6.A.pen B.shop C.notebook ( )7.A.bus B.puzzle C.bike ( )8.A.green B.purse C.key 四、从Ⅱ栏中选出能对I栏中的句子作出正确反应的答语。10% Ⅰ Ⅱ ( )1.Happy Teachers’ Day! A.How lovely! ( )2.What’s this in your bag B.Sure. ( )3.I’d 1ike this rabbit,please. C.Here you are. ( )4.Do you 1ike monkeys D.OK. ( )5.Where are you E.Yes,I can. ( )6.Look at the doll on the desk. F.Yes,I do. ( )7.Let's do the puzzle. G.A toy panda. ( )8.Can I have a look H. I’m in the classroom. ( )9.I 1ike puzzles. I.Thank you. ( )10.Can you see the toys J.Me ,too. 五、选择填空。10% ( )1.Is Liu Tao here,Mr Green A.I’m here. B.No,he isn’t. C.He's a boy. ( )2.That is umbrella. A. an B.a C.the ( )3.Thank you very much. A.Come here. B.I see. C.Not at all. ( )4. Can you see the toys A.No,it isn’t. B.No,I can’t. C.Yes,it is. ( )5.This bookmark is for you. A.All right. B.Sure. C.Thank you. ( )6.This is a panda . A.How lovely! B.Thank you. C.Goodbye. ( )7.What’s over there A.this B.that C.he ( )8.Where's his card A.It's Helen's. B.It's in the schoolbag. C.No,it isn’t. ( )9.Do you like A.storybook B.storybooks C.a storybook ( )10.I like red. A.Me,too. B.I'm sorry. C.OK. 六、连词成 ... ...

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