
四年级英语下册 recycle 2 练习题(苏教牛津版)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:94次 大小:187745Byte 来源:二一课件通
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本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com (苏教牛津版)四年级英语下册 Recycle 2 练习题 21世纪教育网http://21世纪教育网/ Listening Part(听力部分)50分 1. Listen and number.(听音,标号)8分 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2. 3. Listen, tick or cross.(听音,判断)10分 (1) (2) ( ) ( ) (3) ( ) (4) (5) ( ) ( ) 4. Listen and choose.(听音,选择正确的一项)10分 (1) What’s the weather like in Harbin It’s _____ and _____. (2) What’s the weather like in Beijing It’s _____ and _____. (3) What’s the weather like in Hangzhou It’s _____ and _____. (4) What’s the weather like in Lhasa It’s _____ and _____. (5) What’s the weather like in Haikou It’s _____ and _____. A. hot B. warm C. cool D. cold E. rainy F. snowy G. windy H. sunny I. cloudy 5. Listen and match.(听音,连线)12分 (1) Can I wear my T-shirt Not much. (2) What’s the weather like today Thirty-five yuan. (3) What are you doing Yes, please. I want a pair of sneakers. (4) How much is the dress Yes, you can. (5) Are they donkeys It’s cloudy today. (6) Can I help you No, they aren’t. 6. Listen and write.(听音,补全单词)10分 A: Can I help you B: Yes. I want two __ppl__s. A: Anything else B: Yes. I also want ten b__ n__n___s, eight __r__ng_s, four p_____s, and two w__term__l__ns. A: How much B: Twenty yuan. Writing Part(笔试部分)50分 1.Read, tick or cross.(读一读,判断画线部分发音是否相同)10分 (1) cake cat ( ) (2) we hen ( ) (3) nice kite ( ) (4) box orange ( ) (5) music bus ( ) 2.Read and choose.(读一读,选出不属于同一类的一项)10分 ( ) (1) A. cheap B. expensive C. sheep ( ) (2) A. short B. sandals C. sneakers ( ) (3) A. hen B. duck C. pretty ( ) (4) A. onion B. pig C. potato ( ) (5) A. elephant B. eleven C. thirteen 3.Read and write.(看图,读一读,写单词)10分 (1) Look! Here is a . (aritbb) (2) I have a lovely . (god) (3) Look at the dress. It is . (cein) (4) How many tomatoes (elvewt) (5) This is my shirt. It is too (malls) 4.Read and arrange.(读一读,连词成句)10分 (1) is it cold today . (2) at look that jacket . (3) is skirt this pretty . (4) a pair of I want sneakers . (5) many cows how have do you 5.Read and judge. (读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示)10分 Zoom: It’s warm today. Zip: Let’s go to the farm. Zoom: Great! Zip: Wow! This farm is so big. Zoom: What are these Zip: They are cucumbers. Zoom: I like cucumbers. They are fresh. Zip: Are these horses Zoom: No, they aren’t. They are donkeys. Zip: I don’t like donkeys. I like horses. Zoom: Look! Those are horses. Zip: Let’s play with them. Zoom: OK. ( ) (1) It’s hot today. ( ) (2) Zip likes cucumbers. ( ) (3) Zip likes donkeys. ( ) (4) The farm is very big. ( ) (5) Zoom likes to go to the farm. 附:听力材料及参考答案 (一)听力材料 1. (1) horse (2) cow (3) goat (4) tomato (5) carrot (6) cucumber (7) boots (8) slippers 2. (1) Feed the hens. (2) Hold a lamb. (3) It’s rainy. Open up your umbrella. (4) Put on your slippers. Dance in your room. (5) It’s sunny. Put on your sunglasses. 3. Good morning. Thi ... ...

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