
Unit 4 What can you do? PC Story time 教案

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:74次 大小:121024Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 What can you do Part C 教案 1教学目标 1.语言知识与能力目标: Can you… Yes, I can/No, I can’t 能听说读写单词词组:wait a minute, throw..into, silly, swim away, here comes some tasty food,并能模仿编故事 2. 学习策略目标:能够通过听故事捕捉主要信息,并根据提示做出预测。能够沟通读文段,获取主旨大意并能根据其选择合适的标题。 2学情分析 基础比较好,故事理解没有问题,适合延伸练习 3重点难点 一、教学重点:1.理解故事内容,生词能读,能生动读出故事 2.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读AB对话,并能进行角色表演 二、教学难点:理解故事并能延伸编故事 理解故事内容,生词能读,能生动读出故事2.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读AB对话,并能进行角色表演 4教学过程 Lead-in : “brain storm” 1. T: Hi, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! I’m Lily, from BEIDAFUZHONG School. We don’t know each other. Let me introduce myself first. I like winter, and I can dance and sing. What can you do Ss: I can… T: thank you! I have some words in my hand, can you read it If you can, please read it, and put it on the board. Ss: Ok. T: Let’s go. 设计意图:通过简单的free talk,活跃课堂氛围,消除学生上课时的紧张情绪,激发学生的学习热情,并用头脑风暴的游戏,让学生回忆起学过的动词短语,并整理在黑板上,为后面的故事学习和编写埋下伏笔。 Step 1 : task 1 播放故事(第一遍) T: listen to the story and take notes, what can the snake do What can the rat do S1: The snake can.. /The rat can… T: great! Find the words and put it beside the picture. 设计意图:让孩子们先整体感知故事,抓住故事中的核心内容。并速记,对故事梗概有个了解,培养学生听和做笔记的能力。 Step 2 : read and find Tips for you: 1. read in group. (小组内读) 2. GL report.(组长汇报) T: read the story by yourself, and underline the words you don’t know. Help each other to read, and GL collect the words you can’t help in group. 设计意图:采用小组合作,让学生自读故事,勾画出自己不懂的单词,组内互助,组内不能解决的,全班互助。 Step 3: spell the words with phonics. 设计意图:通过拼读的方法,归纳故事中学生不会读的单词。 Step 4 : Task 2 --To imitate. Read the story aloud. Imitate the pronunciation and intonation. 设计意图:通过跟读故事,体会故事中人物的语音语调。进一步感知故事。 Step 5: read and find T: The rat get away from the snake, which sentences you think helped the rat to escape Why (1 minute) T: Thanks for your opinions. I have my opinion. I think those sentences helped the rat, because… 设计意图:精读训练。让学生再仔细读故事并思考整个故事里面让老鼠逃脱的线索是什么,并能描述出自己的理由.通过这个活动,学生能领悟到故事中蕴藏的道理,从而达到英语做事的素养培养。 Step 6: Task 3-- To imagine T: The rat swim away, and the snake is so angry. Who will they meet Please create your new story. 设计意图:在理解故事后,让学生续写故事。发挥他们的想象,将本节课学习的主要句型用到他们的故事当中,进一步加强本单元主要句型的理解和运用 ... ...

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