
Unit 4 When is Easter? PA 课件

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:30次 大小:1803776Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件15张PPT。 Unit 4 When is Easter ? Part A lesson2 Let's say说出下列指定的节日Let’s tryWhich month are they talking about? April.Listen again What holiday do they talking ? When is it? Sports meet.It’s on April 4th.special daysA: When is April Fool’s Day? B: It’s in April. B: It’s on April 1st .Let’s talk Let’s talk Answer the questions. 听录音,回答问题。 There are some special days in April. What are they? 2. When is Easter?Easter and April fool’s day.It’s on April 5th.3.When is April Fool’s day? It’s on April 1st. Mr Jones: There are some special days in April. Zhang Peng: What are they? Mr Jones: April Fool’s Day and Easter. Zhang Peng: When is April Fool’s Day ? Mr Jones: It’s on Apirl 1st. Zhang Peng: And Easter? Mr Jones: It’s on Apirl 5th this year? Zhang Peng: Wow! I love April. Listening to reading. 听录音跟读,注意模仿语音、语调。 Mr Jones: There are some special days in April. Zhang Peng: What are they? Mr Jones: April Fool’s Day and Easter. Zhang Peng: When is April Fool’s Day ? Mr Jones: It’s on Apirl 1st. Zhang Peng: And Easter? Mr Jones: It’s on Apirl 5th this year? Zhang Peng: Wow! I love April. Role reading. 两人一组,选择搭档,分角色朗读对话A: There are some special days in ____. B: What are they? A: _____and _____. B: When is _____? A: It’s on _____. B: I love _____. Group work Choose one and talk(小组合作,选择其中一个月进行问答)植树节妇女节父亲节复活节Let’s say April is my favourite month. There are some special days in April. They are April Fool’s Day and Easter. April Fool’s Day is on April 1st. And Easter is on April 5th. Wow! I love April.Miss Tao’s favourite monthTalk about your favourite month. 说说你最喜欢的月份。____ is my favourite month. There are some special days in___. They are ____ and ____. ___ is on ____. And ___ is on ____. Wow! I love _____.Homework Talk about your favourite month in your group. 姓名:陶丽佳 通讯地址:青海省西宁市湟中县共和镇 电话号码:13897435849 邮编:811600 工作单位:青海省西宁市湟中县共和镇共和学校

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