
Unit 1 What time is itLesson 3 课件

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:88次 大小:929688Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件20张PPT。UNIT ONE WHAT TIME IS IT Lesson 3 课件2timeWhy is he hungry?It's time for lunch.What time is it?It's time for lunch.It's twelve o'clock.What time is it?It's time for breakfast.It's seven o'clock.What time is it?It's time for dinner.It's six o'clock.你每天都做哪些事情呢,向大 家简单介绍一下你每天的时间 安排吧!Free talk6:30It's 6:30. It's time to get up.7:05It's 7:05. It's time to go to school.4:35It's 4:35. It's time to go home.9:00It's 9:00. It's time to go to bed.现在你们能告诉我,我们本课时的主要句型吗?对,就是:It's time to .... 相信你们还记得我们前面学到的另一 个重要句型:It‘s time for…. 接下来的 时间,我们通过例句来比较这两个句型 的差别吧。It's time for breakfast.It's time to have breakfast.吃早饭的时间到了。再来看一个吧。睡觉的时间到了。It's time for It's time to bed.go to bed.你找到两个句型的特点了吗? It’s time for接的是“名词”, 而It‘s time to后面接的是“动词短语”小结接下来的时间我们一起来做个小练习吧!把下面的句子分别用两个句型来表达,该怎样说呢?上英语课的时间到了。It's time for English class.It's time to have English class.homework背诵单词 完成课后习题 好啦,今天就到这儿吧,我们下次见!Byebye!

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