
Unit 2 Around the World Lesson 2 课件+素材

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:42次 大小:10965951Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 2 Around the World人教新起点 六年级上册Lesson 2>>Warm-upPoint and say.London the British Museum Toronto the CN tower Sydney kangaroo the Opera House Washington D.C. the White House >>Warm-upWhere do you want to go this winter vacation?What do you want to do there?I want to go …I want to …Pair Work>>Presentation>>PresentationA. Look, listen and say.1. What countries and cities can you see on the map?London the UK Beijing China Sydney Australia Washington D.C. the USAToronto Canada >>PresentationLook, listen and answer.Which country are they talking about?They’re talking about Canada and Australia.Can you describe this country using your own sentences or sentences in the passage?>>PresentationA. Look, listen and say.Miss Wu: Boys and girls, look at the map please.What country is this?Bill: It’s Canada.Miss Wu: What do you know about Canada?Bill: Canada is a big country. It’s famous for maple leaves. They’re beautiful.People there speak English and French.Toronto is a very big city.It’s in southeast of Canada.You can visit the CN Tower.法语说;讲>>PresentationMiss Wu: Good. What about this country?What do you know about it?Joy: This is Australia. It’s famous for koalasand kangaroos. They’re cute. People there speak English. Sydney is in thesoutheast of Australia. The Opera House there is famous.Miss Wu: Well done.Read it by yourselves for one minute . 小组读对话一分钟。102030一分钟倒计时504060302010>>Practice>>Practice表演我最棒!小组合作: 1.三人一小组 2.根据剧本分角色练习 3.适当加上一些动作辅助表演>>PracticeMiss Wu:_____Bill: Canada is a big country. It’s _____maple leaves. People there _____English and _____._____is a very big city.It’s in _____of Canada.You can visit _____.Let’s write.What do you know about Canada?famous for speakFrenchTorontosoutheastthe CN Tower>>PracticeB. Think, write and talk.>>PracticeWhat do you know about Canada?Canada is a famous for maple leaves.People there speak English and French.Toronto is a big city. It’s in the southeast of Canada. You can visit the CN tower.>>PracticeC. Let’s sing.>>PracticeC. Let’s write.>>Summary怎样询问和回答“你知道……(国家)吗?”What do you know about 国家?国家 is a … country. It’s famous for … People there speak … You can visit …Eg.What do you know about Canada?Canada is a big country. It’s famous for maple leaves. People there speak English and French. You can visit the CN Tower.1.观看课文动画,按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。 2.模仿课文中Bill对加拿大的介绍,从我们学的四个国家中选一个用英语介绍一下,并写下来。 3.上网了解伦敦眼、(伦敦)塔桥、悉尼歌剧院和美国白宫的相关信息。 >>Homework

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