
Unit 5 When did the ancient Olympic Games begin Lesson 15 教学设计

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:51次 大小:170661Byte 来源:二一课件通
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UNIT FIVE WHEN DID THE ANCIENT OLYMPIC GAMES BEGIN LESSON 15 教学设计 一、教学目标 1.了解古代奥林匹克运动会召开的时间,能听懂、会说“When did…begin?”及其答语,并能在实际情景中运用。 2.能听、说、读、写PE、history、those、modern等单词,认读the ancient Olympic Games、the Qin Dynasty及the Tang Dynasty,会用BC、AD就年代时间进行描述。 3.能够正确理解课文对话,获取课文中的相关信息,能够正确朗读对话。 4.能够了解古代奥林匹克运动会的相关知识。 二、教学重难点 1.教学重点: (1)学习询问某个事件或年代开始的时间,并能做出相应的回答:“When did…begin?” “…began in….” (2)了解古代奥林匹克运动会的相关历史、知识。 2.教学难点: (1)单词ancient,modern的读音,以及动词过去式的正确使用。 (2)对ago,in表示过去时间状语的理解与运用。 三、教具准备 教学课件、单词卡片、录音机、现代/古代史等书籍、欧洲地图等。 四、教学建议 (一)Listen and say Lingling:When did the ancient Olympic Games begin, Yangyang? Yangyang:They began in 776 BC, about 3000 years ago I learned about them in the PE class. Lingling: Really? I thought they had a history of only about 100 years. Yangyang: Well, those are the modem Olympic Games They are different from the ancient ones. Lingling: Whet are the differences? Yangyang: Well, in the ancient Olympics, there were no women Only men could take part. Lingling: That wasn't fair! Which country held the first Olympics? Yangyang: Greece The Games were haid in Olympia, a city in Creece. 分析与提示 ·本部分内容主要是通过情景对话使学生了解古代奥林匹克运动会的历史,学习要求掌握的句型及词语,认读、运用began、thought、held等不规则动词的过去式,同时教师还要注意指导学生掌握数字3000等的读法和年份的读法等。本部分重点是在课堂操练和具体情景中应用交际用语。教师要通过意义操练,帮助学生理解和掌握所学语言。 1.导入 (1)创设情景学习begin一词,对学生说:“Let's begin our English class.” (2)然后以提问的方式导入本课的学习。如,教师提问: ·Do you have PE today? ·Do you like sports? ·What's our favourite sport? ·Do you know the Olympic Games? ·Can you say something about the Olympic Games? ·Do you know the ancient Olympic Games? 提示学生:“the ancient Olympic Games”即古代奥林匹克运动会。 2.学习对话 (1)认识图中人物。 ·教师出示并引导学生观察主题图,逐一指着图中的人物提问:“Who's she? Who's he?”引导学生说出:“She's Lingling. He's Yangyang.”了解图中人物。 ·请学生继续观察图片,并提问:“Where are they?”学生会说:“In the playground.”教师继续提问:“What are they talking about? Can you guess?”学生猜测答案。教师带着学生听对话录音。 (2)初听理解对话。 ·播放对话录音两遍,请学生听一听对话谈论的话题:“What are they talking about?”然后说一说听懂的词语及对话的大概内容。 ·重复播放Yangyang和Lingling的第一组对话,然后教师模仿Yangyang提问,引导学生回答:“It began in 776 BC, about 3000 years ago.”注意提示学生问句中的begin与答语中的began在读音、用法上的区别。 板书BC并提问:“Do you know the meaning of BC?”如学生答不出,可直接告诉学生:BC即“公元前”(Befbre Christ的缩写)。 教师接着追问:“How did Yangyang know them?”引导学生回答:“He learned about them in the PE class.”引出PE一词的学习,告诉学生PE是“physical educ ... ...

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