
Unit 3 Animal World Lesson 2 课件

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:29次 大小:5429251Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Animal World Lesson 2 Review Classification(分类) Group 1 reptile(爬行类) Group 2 birds(鸟类) Group 3 fish(鱼类) Group 4 mammal(哺乳类) Group5 insects (昆虫类) snakes turtles reptiles parrots penguins birds sharks goldfish fish butterflies bees insects monkeys pandas elephants tigers mammals whales Who are my friends They are _____. What kind of animals are tigers elephants mammals Who are my friends They are _____. What kind of animals are bees insects Who are my friends They are _____. reptiles What kind of animals are turtles Who are my friends B: They are _____. birds A: What kind of animals are penguins Who are my friends B: They are ____. A: What kind of animals are sharks fish 1. What are they talking about 3. What can monkeys do 2. What kind of animals are monkeys? Listen and answer They are talking about monkeys. They are mammals. They can climb trees very well. Choose and talk A: What animals do you like B: I like ____s/es. B: They can ____. A: What can they do A: What kind of animals are _____s/es. B: They are _____s/-. This animal is a bird. It can speak. It has beautiful feathers(羽毛). What animal is it This animal is a reptile. It is long. It has no legs. It is an insect. It is very beautiful. It can fly. I like . dogs They are mammals. They can walk, run and swim. They have big eyes. They are very cute and smart. We Are Family river fish swim less than 100 forest meat run fast about 100 forest leaves and fruits carry heavy things about 42,000 Homework I like sharks. They are fish. They can swim very fast. They have big mouths. Read, paste and write.

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