
Unit 5 Famous People Lesson 3 课件

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:95次 大小:2249507Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件21张PPT。Famous people Lesson 3Free talk!When you were young, what could you do?When I was 4 years old, I couldn’t swim.When I was 18 years old, I could swim well.When I was 7 years old, I could run fast. When I was 1 year old, I couldn’t run.When I was…year (s) old, I couldn’t...When I was…year (s) old, I could...How about you?Helen Keller 1.When was she born? She was born in_____. A. 1980 B. 1880 2.Where was she born? She was born in_____. A. the United States B. England ABRead and answershe was very sick When she was very young,_____. When she was 7 years old, _____ When she was 20 years old, _____.she could not hear,speak or seeshe went to universityshe was very sick When she was 1 year old , _____. When she was 7 years old, _____. When she was 20 years old, _____She couldn’t hear or see. She could not speak either.First,she learned some words.Then,she started to read and write.Finally, she learned to talk.Annie Sullivan became her teacher she went to university.Why is she famous?She is famous because she helped many other blind and deaf people.She is also famous because she wrote many books. What should we learn from Helen Keller? We should learn to study hard and never give up (放弃) from her. We should learn to love and cherish(珍惜) our life. Let’s read! 牛顿研究学问非常专心。有一次,朋友请客,席间,他想起家中有瓶好酒,于是叮嘱朋友稍等,自己回家取酒。这位朋友左等右等,就是不见牛顿回来,只好去看个究竟。原来牛顿在回家的路上,想起一项实验的做法,到家后,就一头栽进实验室,做起实验,把取酒招待朋友的事忘的一干二净。又有一次,他饿了,煮鸡蛋吃,却一边想问题,一边把鸡蛋放进锅子中,等问题解决了,想吃鸡蛋时,揭开锅盖,捞起的竟是自己的怀表。 Tips: Miracles are the best reward to those who insist on. As long as you study hard,maybe you are the next famous person! 奇迹是给坚持的人最好的奖赏,只要你肯努力,下一个名人就是你! Lu Xun EdisonJamesDo you know these famous people? Shining on my bed is the moonlight, It looks like frost on the ground bright and white. I look up at the full moon clear and quiet, Thinking of home in the lonely night. Li Bai (701-762) Poet Poems:《静夜思》《望庐山瀑布》 《赠汪伦》…… This is Libai. He was born in 701. He was a famous Chinese poet. He is famous because he wrote a lot of beautiful poems. This is ... He was born in ... He was a ... He is famous because he... This is ... She/He was born in ...She/He is(was) a ... She/He is famous because she/he...Let's talkHomework1.Read the passage aloud. 2.Write down a famous people and talk about him/her with your friends. Sample: This is ... She/He was born in ...She/He is(was) a ... She/He is famous because she/he... Knowledge is love, light and vision. 知识是爱,光和视觉。 --Three Days to See Let's shareThank you! ... ...

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