
Unit 1 going to Beijing 读写能力检测卷(含答案)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:39次 大小:1207808Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 1 读写能力检测 时间:40分钟 满分:100分 笔试 (100分) 总分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 得分 第一部分 故事阅读及检测 Danny Is Lost (丢了; 不见了)! Jenny, Danny, Li Ming and Mrs Li are going on a trip to Beijing. Mr. Li drives them to the train station (车站). Li Ming gets the tickets. Then they go to the train. They stand beside the train. Mr. Li says good-bye to (和……说再见) them. But Jenny can’t find (找到) Danny. Danny is lost! Mr. Li says, “Don’t worry (别担心), Jenny. I can find Danny.” Mr. Li looks for Danny at the train station. He calls out loud (大声喊). Look! There is Danny! He is buying fruit. Danny says, “Hi, Mr. Li. Do you like these bananas or those bananas?” Mr. Li says, “Danny, the train is leaving! Don’t buy the bananas!” Danny runs to the train. He jumps on the train. Mr. Li says, “Have a good trip!” “We’ll miss you, dad!” says Li Ming. “I’m hungry!” says Danny. 一 请将故事中动词的现在进行时找出来并写在横线上。(15分) 1. _____ 翻译_____ 2. _____ 翻译_____ 3. _____ 翻译_____ 二 请将下面句子翻译成汉语。 (20分) 1. Mr. Li drives them to the train station. 翻译_____ 2. Mr. Li looks for Danny at the train station. 翻译_____ 3. Do you like these bananas or those bananas? 翻译_____ 4. There is Danny! 翻译_____ 三 根据故事内容,用完整的句子回答下面问题。(15分) 1. Who is going to Beijing? _____. 2. Where does Mr. Li drive them? _____. 3. Does Danny get the tickets? _____. 4. What is Danny doing when Mr. Li finds him (当李先生找到他时)? _____. 5. Does Danny walk on the train? _____. 四 对故事中语法内容的总结(写汉语即可)。(10分) 1. 动词的现在进行时 be + doing 表示: (1) _____ (2) _____ 2. there be句型中there be意义: (1) There are seven days in a week. (_____) (2) There is a boy in the calssroom. (_____) (3) There is Danny. (_____) 第二部分 祈使句 / 命令句 检测 五 翻译下面短语。 (10分) 1. 不许哭 _____. 2. 不许坐下 _____. 3. 不许跑 _____. 4. 不许骑车 _____. 5. 不许看电影_____. 六 翻译下面命令句。(20分) 1. 请站起来 _____. 2. 请坐下 _____. 3. 请洗脸 _____. 4. 请刷牙 _____. 5. 请打扫房间_____. 6. 请给我打电话_____. 7. 请叫我“Wood”_____. 8. 请写个故事 _____. 9. 请帮个忙_____. 10. 请坐公交车_____. 七 情景与表达。(10分) ( ) 1. 如果想问 “你正在做什么?”,我选择: A. What do you do? B. What are you doing? C. Don’t do it! ( ) 2. 如果说 “我要去北京旅行”,我选择: A. I go on a trip to Beijing. B. Go to Beijing, please. C. I am going on a trip to Beijing. ( ) 3. 如果说 “我通常早上7点吃早饭”,我选择: A. I will have breakfast at 7 am. B. I usually have breakfast at 7 am. C. Have breakfast at 7 am. ( ) 4. 如果说 “不许和Danny玩”,我选择 A. I don’t play with Danny. B. Play with Danny. C. Don’t play with Danny. ( ) 5. 如果说 “祝你旅途愉快”,我选择 A. You will have a nice trip. B. Have fun. C. Have a nice trip. 参考答案: 一 请将故事中动词的现在进行时找出来并写在横线上。(15分) 1. … are going on a trip 翻译: 将要去旅行 2. … is buying fruit 翻译: 正在买香蕉 3. … is leaving ... ...

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