
Lesson 19 Let’s go 教案(含反思)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:69次 大小:6647Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson25:Let's Go shopping教案设计 教材分析:本课是第四单元 “Shopping in the City”系列学习主题之一“ 让我们一起去购物”,教材提供了相关的情景模式以便学生进行对话依照,教学内容以学生为中心,以主要人物的活动为主线,围绕最常用最基本的英语词汇句型和交际用语逐步展开教学内容。丰富多彩的练习形式使学习活动化,活动交际化,即贴近了生活,所以能充分调动学生的求知欲和学习热情,同时又展现了中西方国家的不同文化背景. 学情分析:四年级学生对英语学习有浓厚兴趣,且英语口语表达能力较强,课堂中能灵活运用语言材料,在虚拟的情景中进行真实的交流,语言流畅,有一定的创造力和感染力。本课设计针对四年级学生的特点,把多种句型的练习融入到购物的环境中去,鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作、探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合语言技能。 教学目标: 知识目标: 1.能够正确地听读写使用单词:shop, shopping, buy;辨别shop和shopping的异同。 2.理解、掌握关于shop的分类;能够正确地听读写使用短语:silk shop, tire shop等。 3.能用英语正确的表达自己的购物需求Let’s go shopping. I (don’t) want to buy___. 4.能够正确朗读Part2:Let’s go shopping! 并较好地进行角色扮演 能力目标:培养学生能用英语正确的表达自己的购物需求的能力。 情感目标:培养学生敢于开口说英语的积极性和运用英语进行交际 能力。 教学重、难点:学生能够掌握并综合运用本课的教学内容。 教学过程: Ⅰ. Class Opening Step1.Warming-up 1、日常用语交流 T: Hello, how are you? S: I am fine, thank you. And you? T: I am fine too. Thank you. Step2.Review the words Show the cards to review clothes,bicycle,tire,tea… (设计意图:师生得到交流,营造轻松的课堂气氛、建立和谐的师生关系。同时复习以上这些单词为新课的学习做准备。) Ⅱ. New Concepts: Step1.Show the pictures of the silk shop . 板书silk shop T:Silk shop!Together! Ss:Silk shop! T:Shop! Ss:Shop! Spell shop . Ask the students to say “silk shop” a few times. Step2.Practice Look at the picture and discuss the other shops in groups. T:What shops can you see? S1:Clothes shop S2:bicycle shop S3:Tire shop. S4:Tea shop! (设计意图:尊重学生已有的学习经验,优化组合,由浅入深, 信息集中的安排,避免不必要的重复, 缩短学习进程,因为clothes, bicycle, tire, tea学生都已接触过,让学生自己讨论图片,大胆的去说,引出新的短语,让学生体验成功的快乐,有助于培养学生说的能力。) Step5.If you go shopping ,What do you want to do/buy? I want to buy a_____. Let's go to the_____. T: I want to buy a new skirt.Let’s go shopping! (板书buy,and read the word a few times) T: What do you want to buy? S1:I want to buy a bicycle. T:Oh, I don’t want to a bicycle. … T: I want to buy a new skirt Let’s go shopping!Let’s go to the clothes shop. (板书Let’s go shopping,Let’s go to the clothes shop.让学生充分练习。) Step6.Listen to the tape ,answer the questions and then read follow the tape. T:Jenny and Danny want to go shopping too, let’s listen to the tape and try to find the questions: What does Jenny want to buy? What shop does Jenny want to go? What does Danny want to buy? Step7. Make up a dialogue with the sentences and practice in their groups. --What do you want to buy? --I want to buy a skirt./I don’t want to buy a skirt. --Let’s g ... ...

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