
Module2 Unit1 They're monkeys 课件+素材(共36张PPT)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:100次 大小:29492788Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Module2 Unit 1 They’re monkeys. The first period Words 听录音,猜动物 热身活动 What’s this ? It’s a cat. What’s this ? It’s a dog. Look ! It’s a bird . How many birds? Three birds. Hello,I’m a tiger tiger s Hello, I’m a lion. lion s Hello,I’m an elephant. elephant s Hello,I’m a monkey. monkey s panda tiger lion elephant 熊猫 老虎 狮子 大象 Monkey 猴子 The secend period Dialogue Hello, boys and girls . Hello, Mr. Li. What’s this ? It’s a tiger. What are they ? They’re lions . What’s this ? It’s an elephant. What are they ? They’re monkeys . Look! It’s a panda . It’s fat . What is this ? It’s a / an + 物名 What are they ? They are +物名复数 以两人或四人为一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。 Read in roles.(分角色读) Read after tape. (跟录音读) Read together.(齐读) … Show reading Act it out fluently Act it out with emotions有感情地表演 Act it out fluently with movement有感情地带动作表演 Let’s act The third period Practice The fourth period Practice What is this? It’s a monkey.. What are they? They are monkeys. What is this? It’s a tiger . What are they? They’re tigers. What are they? They are dogs. Let's chant together. monkey,monkey是猴子 猴子monkey真机灵 elephant,elephant是大象 大象elephant鼻子长 tiger ,tiger是老虎 老虎tiger真威武 lion,lion是狮子 狮子lion真厉害 panda,panda是熊猫 熊猫panda是国宝 保护动物很重要 我们大家都做到 Summmary 单词: panda tiger lion elephant monkey 句型: What is this ? What are they ? It’s a / an +物名 They are +物名复数 1.抄写两遍单词。 2.朗诵课文两遍。 3.搜集更多的关于动物的单词。 Love animals,love our life!

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