
Unit 2 In Beijing Lesson 12 A visit to the Great Wall 教案

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:38次 大小:99660Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 12 A visit to the Great Wall??? 一、教学目标 (一)知识与技能: 读懂故事,了解有关长城的简单信息。 2、能朗读故事,并就故事内容进行问答。 3、学生能进行角色扮演。 (二)过程与方法: 1、通过阅读让学生在语境中猜测词义,抓重点词句,理解故事。 2、通过文本框架引导学生复述课文,进而检测学生的掌握情况。 3、通过分角色朗读,了解学生能否生动活泼地表现出各角色应有 感情和表情等,以此培养学生的阅读理解和朗诵能力。 (三)情感态度价值观: 提倡文明出游,爱护名胜古迹。 二、教学重点: 引导学生了解我们的名胜古迹--长城 2、抓重点词句,理解故事。 三、教学难点:复述故事。 四、教具准备: 课件、视频 五、教学课时:一课时 六、教学过程 Step1、 Class Opening 1、Greeting: T:Good morning,?boys and girls .I’m very happy to see you .Are you happy ? Ss : Good morning .We’re happy , too . (设计意图:提供语境,使孩子们快速融入英语课堂。 ) 2、Sing a song :Let’s take a picture. (设计意图:活跃课堂教学的气氛,提高学生学习兴趣。) 3、Review: T:What do you know about Beijing? Ss:Tian’anmen Square.The Palace Museum.Wangfujing Street.The Great Wall.... (当学生回答出长城时,教师板书并出示长城图片。) Now, Let’s visit the Great Wall together! 板书:A visit to the Great Wall (设计意图:通过对北京名胜古迹图片的回顾激活学生的原有知识,给学生营造了一个轻松愉悦的学习氛围,调动学生的旅游兴趣,激发学生参与课堂活动的热情。) StepII.Story time: 1.Pre-reading. T:First,Let’s look at some pictures of the Great Wall.then tell me: What do you know about the Great Wall? Ss:long.old.beautiful.... (设计意图:激活学生对长城的原有认知,为读故事做好铺垫,并复习与故事课相关的词汇。) 2.While-reading. 1.Read these sentences in Picture1, answer the questions: ①Who are they? ②How do they go to the Great Wall? (设计意图:了解学生对课文第一部分的理解和掌握情况,指导学生边读边思考,在理解的基础上组织语言,初步掌握默读的阅读策略) 2.Let the students read part2 and part 3,and then students give the answers: ①What is the Chinese saying about the Great Wall? ②How old is the oldest part of the Great Wall? (出示PPT) Talk about the meaning of the Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall in the group. (设计意图:寻读。在学生阅读前给出针对性的问题,让学生目的明确的进行阅读。) 3.Read part4重点词汇和生活实际猜测句意: What’s the meaning of “He who does not go to the Great Wall is not a true man.” (设计意图:在默读寻读策略的形成基础上结合自己对事物的看法进行表达。) Part 5: 抓住关键信息:keep the Great Wall clean and beautiful. 引导学生试着说一说:keep our clothes /classroom / school / city …clean and beautiful. (1).What does Danny want to do? (2).What do you want to say to Danny? (3).How to keep the Great Wall clean and beautiful? 5.Part6: 抓住What a wonderful place to visit!让学生朗读体会感叹句的情感。并试着找同类型词汇替代wonderful,例如:beautiful, great,interesting… (设计意图:再次体会长城的特点,总结全文,升华情感。) 6、听录音,学生跟读。 (设计意图:培养学生的语感。) 3、Post reading: (1)Group work: Talk about in your groups,fill in the blanks. ※ This is the Great Wall. It is very old and very long. ※ In Chi ... ...

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