

日期:2024-09-08 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:22次 大小:7164709Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 基数词 序数词 PEP人教版小学五年级 Today is my 10th birthday. Would you like to join us Come to my house and enjoy ! Let's sing a party song first ! One little, two little, three little Indians Four little, five little, six little Indians    Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians     Ten little Indian boys    Game 1:Counting King 派对游戏一: 快速回答出维尼的问题, 你就是“数数大王”啦! How many cakes are there One ! How many tables are there Two ! How many gifts are there Three ! Game 1:Counting King How many apples are there Four ! How many peaches are there Five ! How many pears are there Six ! 派对游戏一: 快速回答出维尼的问题, 你就是“数数大王”啦! Game 1:Counting King How many glasses are there Seven ! How many bowls are there Eight ! How many plates are there Nine ! 派对游戏一: 快速回答出维尼的问题, 你就是“数数大王”啦! Game 1:Counting King How many sweets are there Ten ! How many bananas are there Eleven ! How many balloons are there Twelve ! 派对游戏一: 快速回答出维尼的问题, 你就是“数数大王”啦! You are the Counting King now ! 像one~twelve/ 1~12 等等,以上用来描述事物数量的词,我们称之为基数词。 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 one hundred 那12以上的基数词怎么说呢? 基数词,很容易;0至12,词各异。 十几把teen加上去,整十 ty不放弃。 几十几,也容易;先说几十,再说几。 中间短杠"-"加上去。 hundred,是一百,百内数字记心怀。 几百几,挺容易;先说几百,再说几。 中间and加上去。 thousand,是一千,千内数字记心间。 基数词记忆口诀: Game 2:Honey making 派对游戏二: 快速说出蜜蜂基数词英文。 抓住全部蜜蜂,酿出蜂蜜。 My name is Winnie Bear, I love eating honey very much. Can you help me catch some bees Game 2:Honey making 25 19 16 11 38 80 75 派对游戏二: 快速说出蜜蜂基数词英文。 抓住全部蜜蜂,酿出蜂蜜。 派对游戏二: 快速说出蜜蜂基数词英文。 抓住全部蜜蜂,酿出蜂蜜。 Game 2:Honey making You did a very good job! You are the honey-maker ! 第一 first 刚刚我们学完了基数词,这个 first(第一)是基数词吗? 序数词 序数词: 是指表示顺序的数词。汉语里面表示为第几。 基数词变序数词(10以内) 1 one 1st first 6 six 6th sixth 2 two 2nd second 7 seven 7th seventh 3 three 3rd third 8 eight 8th eighth 4 four 4th fourth 9 nine 9th ninth 5 five 5th fifth 10 ten 10th tenth 基数词变序数词(10~20) 11 eleven 11th eleventh 16 sixteen 16th sixteenth 12 twelve 12th twelfth 17 seventeen 17th seventeenth 13 thirteen 13th thirteenth 18 eighteen 18th eighteenth 14 fourteen 14th fourteenth 19 nineteen 19th ninteenth 15 fifteen 15th fifteenth 20 twenty 20th twentieth 基数词变序数词(20以上) 21st twenty-first 30th thirtieth 70th seventieth 22nd twenty-second 40th fortieth 80th eightieth 23rd twenty-third 50th fiftieth 90th ninetieth 24th twenty-fourth 60th sixtieth 100th a hundredth 基数词变序数词口诀: 一二三,要全变;其余th加后面。 八减t,九去e,字母f代ve,ty ... ...

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