
Module 4 Unit 2 I was very nervous. 教案

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:30次 大小:33076Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 4 Unit 2 I was very nervous. 一、教学目标 【知识目标】 (1)能够听说认读的单词和短语:clap, nervous, before, in the end, proud, (2)能听、说、读、写、明白的语句: I was very nervous. In the end everyone clapped. / And I was very proud. 【能力目标】 (1)能用所学复述课文。 (2)全体学生能用过去式谈论过去的经历和感受。 【情感目标】 学生能够运用所学的有关过去式的英语知识主动练习和实践,让学生通过本课的学习,能够初步培养学生乐于接触外国文化,并注意到中外文化的差异,产生对于音乐欣赏的兴趣,培养他们通过欣赏音乐增强孩子们热爱祖国的意识。 二、教学重点与难点 1、学习学会描述过去干的事。 2、能够掌握重点词、句。 3、会总结归纳规则、不规则的动词过去式。 4、进行语篇的训练,描述自己过去做的事情。 四、教学过程 说明:教学活动具体描述包括教学任务的描述,教师的关键语言,板书呈现,教学资源的使用等。 教学环节 教学活动具体描述 教学资源 热身导入 师生互相问候 Watch the video and try to sing the song: Page 24 “I saw the musician.” 互动教学系统M4U2活动4动画 【设计意图】利用歌曲视频创设出轻松的课堂气氛,激发了学生学习的兴趣,同时也集中了学生的注意力。 (二) 新知呈现 1. Free talk. (Look at the picture from the text, then talk about it in English.) T: 1) Look at the picture, who is she? Ss: She is Amy. T: 2) What is this? You can guess. Ss: Is it a chair/ bag/ book/ pipa…? T: No, it isn’t. S2: Is it a piano? T: Yes, it is. T: What did Amy play? Ss: She played the piano. T: Look at the picture of the text. Guess, where was Amy? Ss: In the concert. T: Yes, you are right, but you don’t know, before the concert, what happened? PPT第2-4页 2. Lead in the new words. 1) Listen to the recording, then learn the new words: nervous. 2) Look at the PPT, learn the new words again, and then make some sentences. a. Look at the PPT and teach: End-in the end   Clap-clapped Proud-I was very proud. b. Free talk with the Ss. T: When are you proud? S1: I win a competition, I am proud. S2: And my parents are proud. I am proud. c. Read and sing the chant: Before, before, before the concert. Nervous, nervous, I was nervous. play ,play, played the piano, In, in, in the concert. Clap, clap, everyone clapped. Proud, proud, I was very proud. PPT第5-11页 (三) 课文学习 互动教学系统展示课文:Watch the cartoon for three times, and then learn the text. PPT第12页 互动教学系统M4U2活动2动画 1) Watch the cartoon; Imitate the text sentence by sentence. PPT第13页 2) Read the text in pair PPT第14页 (四) 拓展运用 1) Role play 2) Look at the picture of the PPT, and then retell the text. 3) Watch the video, about the text again, go to the blackboard and show the text. PPT第15页 4) Watch the screen and answer: (1) When did Amy play in a concert?   (2) What did she play?   (3) Was she nervous before the concert?   (4) What did every one do at the end?   (5) Was she very proud? PPT第16-20页 5) Retell the story.  Amy played in a concert last year. She played … PPT第21页 【设计意图】 让学生分层操练,同桌互相说,小组传读,哪组快,给小组奖励。 (五) 布置作业 必做:Listen and recite the text. 选做:T ... ...

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