
Unit 3 Lesson 16 An Email Is Fast 教案

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:75次 大小:21539Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson16 An Email Is Fast 学情分析: 五年级学生对英语有一定的兴趣和积极性,但没有三四年级高,对知识有一点的积累,对简单或难易适中的文本能自主阅读,并能理解大概内容。对于掌握本课内容,没有很大难度,但在学会唱这首歌上有点难度。 二、教学目标: 语言知识目标: 1、知道四个重点词email, idea, computer, use发音与意思。 2、理解和学会电子邮件的书写及发送。 语言技能目标: 1、学生能听懂、会说、认读和书写重点单词email, idea, computer, use 2、学生能学会如何书写电子邮件的内容和地址以及如何发送电子邮件。 3、学生能学会唱电子邮件之歌。 学习策略目标: 通过同桌合作、四人小组合作活动、展示活动等方式,渗透合作学习策略,培养学生的团结、合作、相互交流的能力。 情感态度目标: 通过小组合作学习活动,让学生逐渐学会如何更好的与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并通过学习电子邮件的书写与发送,让学生在掌握一项技能的同时,感受英语学习与日常生活的紧密相关。 三、教学重难点 教学重点: 1、掌握四会词汇。 2、学会如何书写电子邮件的内容和地址以及如何发送电子邮件。 3、学会唱歌An Email 教学难点: 1、书写电子邮件的内容和地址以及如何发送电子邮件。 预习作业: 1、画一张空白Email 2、准备一张小纸条,上面写上自己的Email地址。 教学准备: 光盘 磁带 课件 网络 板书设计: Lesson16 An Email Is Fast use computer an email idea To: lidaming@ From: liming@ Subject: How are you? Content: 教学过程: Greetings. T: Before our class, let’s do this. I say “One two three ready? ready? ready?” you say “Three two one go go go”. Begin! T: One two three ready? ready? ready? Ss: Three two one go go go! Leading-in. T: Good, boys and girls. You know there are many kinds of communications in our daily life now. What are they? Do you know them?(Show a postcard to hint.) Ss: a letter\ an email\ qq\ weixin\ facebook\ skype…(Show the first slide.) Dear Dad, How are you? I’m fine. Beijing is a big city. It’s beautiful! Mum and I will go back home tomorrow. See you soon. Love, Li Ming T: Good. Which one is fast? S1: An email is fast. S2:… S3:… T: Yes. Today we have a new friend. Her name is Linda. Let’s say hello to her. “Hello!”. Ss: Hello, Linda. T: Linda comes from Canada. She is travelling in China now. she goes to Shanghai, Hangzhou, Beijing and so on. What does she say now? (The teacher does the action--“Hands up!”) (Show the second slide.) S4: “Wow! An email is fast. I want to send an email to my friend. But what’s an email?” T: What’s an email? ( Write the word “an email” down on the blackboard.) (Then the teacher does the action--“Hands up!” ) OK! Open your book, “Lesson16 An Email Is Fast”.三、New concepts. 1、What’s an email? First: Listen, follow to read. (Show the third slide.) T: First, listen and follow to read. The students listen and follow to read. T: Ok! Are there any words you don’t know? Tell me, please. (The teacher does the action “Hands up” to hint.) S5: use\ idea\ stamps… S6: use\ idea\ stamps… S7: use\ idea\ stamps… If the students can’t say out the words, the teacher gives the four key words to them. Let the students read the text together, try to find out the four words. ... ...

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