
Module 4Unit 1 Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.第2课时 课件+素材(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:60次 大小:5855398Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 小学英语·WY版·六年级上册 Module 4 Unit 1 Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. Period 1 Warm-up 活动指导: 1.教师将全班分成两组,然后在黑板上画一个简单的记分牌。 2.教师给学生每人发一张白纸,教师说出一个单词,每组就派 一名学生根据教师的发音将单词写下来,注意每次派出的代 表不能是同一人。 3.教师将这个单词的正确的拼写写在黑板上,然后双方代表亮 出自己写的单词,每拼对一个单词,该组就加一分,最后分 数高的小组获胜。 单词大比拼 Presentation 3. Listen and say. Listen and read after it. A: Can you tell me more about American festivals? B: Well, thanksgiving is my favourite festival. A: What do you do on Thanksgiving Day? B: We always have a special meal. We say “thanks you” for our food, family and friends.    Listen and fill blanks. A: Can you tell me American festivals? B: Well, is my favourite festival. more about Thanksgiving A: What do you do on Thanksgiving Day? B: We always have a _____ We say “_____ ” for our food, family and friends. special meal thank you Free talk. Sure. The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It‘s to celebrate the Chinese New Year. In the evening before the Spring Festival... Can you tell me something about the Spring Festival? Game. Guess: What festival it is ? Christmas Thanksgiving Day the Lantern Festival Guess: What festival it is? the Spring Festival the Mid-Autumn Festival Guess:What festival it is? At Christmas we sing songs... Write about Christmas and talk about it. Practise 活动一 范文 At Christmas we sing songs, and we prepare a tall tree and decorate it with some colourful lights on it. We also put some gifts under the tree and after the dinner we will give them to each other. In the evening we will get together and have a big dinner to talk and laugh. All our family will return home no matter how far we work. 活动指导:教师用多媒体课件呈现活动2的三幅图片,然后把学生分成四人一组。每组学生任选一幅图片,然后组员合作写几句话描述该图片,每组需选一名小组长负责记录这些句子。教师请每组派代表向大家朗读各组写出的句子,其他学生提出建议并给予评价,教师对表现优异的小组给予奖励。 活动二 示例如下∶ 图片一∶Flag Day is coming. We usually fly the flag and sing songs on Flag Day. 图片二∶Thanksgiving Day is my favourite festival, because we always have a special meal. On Thanksgiving Day, we say "thank you" for our food, family and friends. 图片三∶After Thanksgiving dinner, we usually watch a big football game on TV. It's very exciting. Exercises 一、单项选择。 1. Your idea great. A. sound B.sounds C.sounding 2. National day is favourite festival. A.me B.I C.my 3. Many Chinese people a special dinner at the Spring Festival. A.has B.have C.give B C B 二、选出每组中不同类的一项。 ( )1. A. flag B. you C.they ( )2.A.sound B.say C. football ( )3.A.special B.meal C.game ( )4.A.family B.food C.fly C A C A Homework Homework 1.朗读活动三的对话。 2.写一篇短文,介绍一下你最喜欢的 节日,不少于30词。 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源 ... ...

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