
Unit 3 The Earth第4课时 More practice, Culture corner and Study skills课件(29张ppt) 导学案 教案

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:16次 大小:55626215Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Module2 Unit 3 The Earth More practice, Culture corner and Study skills导学案 学生姓名 班级 序号 课题内容 Module2 Unit 3 The Earth More practice, Culture corner and Study skills 教材分析 This teaching period mainly deal with More practice, Culture corner and Project. Students are expected to know how to read English poems.The teachers are expected to enable students to master some reading skills. 学习目标与核心素养 1. Knowledge objectives: Enable students to learn about rhymes in the poem.2. Skill objectives: Be able to talk about environment problems and measures we can take.3. Emotional objectives: Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning and individual capability.4. Thinking quality objectives: Understand the problems on Earth, and have the sense to protect the Earth. 学习重点 Enable students to learn about rhymes in the poem. 学习难点 Be able to talk about environment problems and measures we can take. 1.阅读课本41页Study skills. 2.阅读40页课文,了解文章大意。 探究点一:阅读40页课文,完成以下练习。 1.听录音朗读课文。 2.完成课本More practice A. 3. Read the poem aloud and find out the rhymes in each part of the poem. Part One: Part Two: Part Three: Part Four: 4. Observe and find out the rhyme It’s just May, But the signal is up. A typhoon is coming. It’s coming this way! There are ships in the harbour, Some blue and some grey, But a typhoon is coming, To blow them away. There were people at work And people at play. Now the typhoon is here, They’ve all gone away. A waiter was holding Ten plates on a tray. But the typhoon came quickly, And blew them away. There were horses in Shatin, Just eating their hay, When the typhoon came in And blew it away. Now the typhoon has gone, “Thank goodness!” we say, And we won’t have another, For many a day. 探究点二: 1. Read the contents page of the textbook and find answers to the questions below. 1) How many modules are there in this book? _____ 2) How many units are there in this book? _____ 3) In which unit can you learn to use the simple future tense? _____ 4) In which unit can you read about Shanghai? _____ 5) In which unit can you learn how to write an email? _____ 6) On which page can you know about “Fang Fang’s daily life”? _____ 2. Retell the story in your own words. Pay attention to the use of the simple past tense. 探究点三:Language points 1. _____意为“使某人/某物处于某种状态”。 2. _____ 举起;升起。 一、完成句子 地球上有许多不同的植物。 There are _____ _____ plants on Earth. 对我们来说保护环境是很重要的。 It’s _____ for us to _____ the Earth. 不要燃烧东西来获得能量。 Don’t burn _____ to make _____. 森林为我们提供了大量的东西。 Forests _____ us _____ a lot of things. 每一个人都应该保护我们周围的环境。 Everyone should _____ the environment _____ us. 二、单项选择。 1. --What are these? --_____ bags. A. They are B. These are C. It is D. That is 2. We must do something to stop people from _____the water in the river. A. pollute B. to pollute C. pollutin ... ...

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