
Module 6 Unit 1 Can I have some sweets 课件+素材(共41张PPT 含flash素材)

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:58次 大小:42528411Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Module 6 Unit 1 Can I have some sweets? 外研版·四年级上册 上课课件 egg milk juice bread Sharp eyes. water fish rice cake If you know the word, you can stand up and read it aloud. Let’s sing . Look and answer. Who are they? Whose birthday is it? Amy Lingling Daming Sam It's Amy’s birthday. Amy’s mother prepares many food for Amy’s birthday. Let’s guess what we will have. cake juice fast food milk egg sweets 糖果 面包 汤 Role-play. Do you want …? Yes, please./No, thank you. Look and guess. What are they in the mother’s hand? Does the boy want? Watch and check. Listen, point and say. Do you want some soup? No, thank you. Do you want some sweets? Yes, please. 1 Let’s go to Amy’s birthday party! What does Amy feel before the birthday party? What does Amy want to have? Can Amy have the food she want? Watch and check. Check the answers. What does Amy feel before the birthday party? She is hungry. 2. What does Amy want to have? Soup, sweets, bread. 3. Can Amy have the food she want? No, she can’t. Listen, point and find “can”. Mum, I’m hungry. Can I have some soup? Sorry, you can’t. But I’m hungry. Can I have some sweets, please? Sorry, you can’t. 抱歉 2 Mum, I can’t see. It’s very dark. Mm. Come here, Amy. But Mum, I’m very hungry! Sorry, you can’t. Can I have some bread? Well, turn on the light. 黑暗的 开灯 Thank you. Happy birthday, Amy! Now you can have some sweets and some cake. Thank you, Mum. Listen and role-play. Amy: Mum, I’m hungry. Can I have some soup? Mum: Sorry, you can’t. Amy: But I’m hungry. Can I have some sweets, please? Mum: Sorry, you can’t. Amy: Can I have some bread? Mum: Sorry, you can’t. Amy: But Mum, I’m very hungry! Mum: Mm. Come here, Amy. Amy: Mum, I can’t see. It’s very dark. Mum: Well, turn on the light. Daming, Lingling & Sam: Happy birthday, Amy! Amy: Thank you. Mum: Now you can have some sweets and some cake. Amy: Thank you, Mum. Let’s act out. (1) (2) (3) (4) 表示请求的句型结构为: Can I+动词原形+其他? 肯定回答:Yes, you can./ Of course. 否定回答:Sorry, you can’t. No, you can’t. Can I have some soup? Language points. 我能喝一些汤吗? Look and guess. Who are they? What are they doing? What food can you see in the picture? Can I have some soup, Mum? Sorry, you can’t. Now you can have some sweets and some cake. Happy birthday,Daming! Listen and say. 3 Listen and judge. 1. Today is Daming’s birthday. ( ) 2. Daming is full. ( ) 3. Daming is very happy. ( ) √ × √ Read and answer. 1. What does Daming want to eat? _____ 2. What does Daming’s mother say at first? _____ 3. Is Daming happy? _____ Some soup. Sorry, you can’t. Yes, he is. Listen and fill in. Can I have some ____, Mum? _____. Now you can have some _____ and some ____. Happy birthday,Daming! soup Sorry, you can’t sweets cake Look and say. Are you hungry? Let’s eat some food. What food can you see in the picture? bananas bread pears sweets apples Practise. b ... ...

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