
外研版(2021)中职英语基础模块2 Unit 3 I've Got a Headache 课件(64张PPT)+音频

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:素材 查看:77次 大小:80454817Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 英 英 语 语 Unit 3 I’ve Got a Headache You’ll be able to: describe symptoms of some illnesses; talk about how to give first aid; write a sick note. Look at the picture and discuss: 1. Where are the people 2. What does the man do 目录 Contents 01 Warming up 02 Listening & Speaking 03 Reading & Writing 04 For Better Performance 05 Around the World 06 Fun Time 07 My Progress Check 01 Warming up 01 Warming up 1. Listen and match. 听录音,将下列词语与图片匹配。 stomachache backache headache toothache 听力原文 01 Warming up 返回活动1 I often suffer from stomachache. Sitting for too long gives me such backache. I have a really bad headache. I’ve got toothache. 01 2. Discuss and match. 讨论,将下列病因与症状匹配。 Warming up 01 play computer games for a long time eat a lot of ice cream stay up late eat many sweets headache backache stomachache toothache 02 Listening & Speaking 02 Listening & Speaking 1. Listen and answer. 听录音,回答问题。 Q What is the dialogue about The dialogue is about making an appointment to see a doctor. 听力原文 02 Listening & Speaking 2. Listen again and complete. 再听录音,填写就诊预约卡。 听力原文 Appointment Card Patient’s name: Symptoms: Appointment time: Lily Jones a fever and a bad cough 4:30 pm 02 Listening & Speaking 02 Receptionist: Good morning, Doctor Smith’s office. How may I help you Patient: Good morning, I’d like to make an appointment to see Doctor Smith, please. Receptionist: OK, can I have your name, please Patient: Lily Jones. Receptionist: What’s the problem Patient: I’ve got a fever and a bad cough. Could I see the doctor at 2 this afternoon Receptionist: Sorry, Doctor Smith is not available at that time. Patient: Then what is the earliest time Receptionist: The earliest available time is 4:30 pm. Patient: That’s fine with me. Receptionist: OK, please come at 4:20 pm to register first. Patient: No problem. Thank you. Receptionist: See you then. 中文翻译 Listening & Speaking 02 接待员:早上好,这里是史密斯医生的办公室。有什么需要帮助的吗? 患者:早上好,我想约个时间去看史密斯医生。 接待员:好的,请问您的名字是? 患者:莉莉·琼斯。 接待员:您哪里不舒服呢? 患者:我发烧了,咳嗽得很厉害。可以预约今天下午两点去看医生吗? 接待员:很抱歉,史密斯医生那时没空。 患者:那最早是什么时间呢? 接待员:最早可以预约的时间是下午4点半。 患者:可以。 接待员:好的,请您在4点20分先来登记。 患者:没问题,谢谢! 接待员:到时候见。 返回活动2 Listening & Speaking 返回活动1 02 3. Work in pairs. 两人一组,根据提示练习预约就诊。 Listening & Speaking Jenny; have a bad cough; 11 am Jack; have a backache; 2 pm 3. Work in pairs. 两人一组,根据提示练习预约就诊。 02 Listening & Speaking Receptionist: Good morning, Doctor Smith’s office. How may I help you Jenny: Good morning, I’d like to make an appointment to see Doctor Smith, please. Receptionist: Ok, can I have your name, please Jenny: Jenny. Receptionist: What’s the problem Jenny: I have a bad cough. Could I see ... ...

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