
Unit 2 Topic 3 Section C课件(仁爱科普版九年级上册)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:19次 大小:4015705Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 1 What can we do at home to protect the environment Section C Learn some new words and phrases. Get to know: acid, nuclear, biogas, straw, renewable, disadvantage, process, electric, best-known, maglev train, per, efficient, path, steel, wave, source, run out, worldwide, sunlight, steam Be able to use: technology, require, German, wheel, guide, deep Be able to use some useful expressions. (1)In many countries, people produce power from coal, but it is very dirty and causes acid rain. (2)They will never run out so they are called renewable sources. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of some kinds of energy. How can we become a greener person Turn off the lights when we leave a room. Walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi. Take a cloth bag when we go shopping. Don’t drive a car if you travel a short distance. Write on both sides of the paper. Don’t use the things that can be used only once. After we wash faces, we can use the water to wash clothes. Turn off the TV set while we are away. … section B 1a Read and understand. Look at the pictures. Do you know what they are Choose the right picture for each paragraph. Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 In many countries, people produce power from coal, but it is very dirty and causes acid rain. Some countries use nuclear energy to produce power. However, nuclear power can be very dangerous. To solve the energy problem, people all over the world are looking for new ways to produce power. China is one of the first countries in the world to use biogas technology. Farmers recycle straw, grass and animal waste to make biogas. This renewable energy is used in people’s everyday lives. Its key disadvantage is that the process requires a long time (up to 30 days) and the cost is high. Electric vehicles were developed in the 1990s. On April 11, 2010, a new kind of electric vehicle named “Yezi” was shown in the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. It produces electricity from the sun, the wind and CO2. It can not only protect the environment but also save enerey. It’s too small to hold many people, but larger models will be developed in the near future. In China, the best-known maglev train is the German-built one in Shanghai. It takes people just 7 minutes to go to the airport 30 km away. The train can reach a top speed of 431 km per hour. It is quiet and quick. There is no wheel noise, because there are no wheels. Maglev trains are very energy-efficient and do not pollute the air. However, maglev guide paths are much more expensive than traditional steel railways. 1b Read 1a and match the words with the pictures on Page 48. A. acid rain B. nuclear energy C. biogas A C B 1c Read 1a again and complete the table. Item Advantage Disadvantage biogas electric vehicle maglev train renewable long process and high cost save energy, no pollution too small to hold many people quiet, quick, energy-efficient, n ... ...

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