
外研版英语八年级上册Revision module A教案(表格式)

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:72次 大小:18487Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Teaching plan Topic Language Learning Type of lesson Writing Teaching Goals Knowledge goals: Review and consolidate the expressions about learning English, such as speaking English as much as possible, read aloud, write down mistakes,listen to music,etc. Review different ways of giving advice, such as we should do, why not do, let’s try to do, it’s a good idea to do, etc. Ability goals: Be able to get useful information from the materials on learning English Be able to write a composition on how to learn English well Moral goals: Raise the awareness of the importance of English learning Master effective language learning strategies to enhance independent learning ability Key and Difficult points Be able to write a composition on how to learn English well Learn about the important elements of a good composition Teaching Methods Communicative Approach / Task-based Approach Teaching Aids Multimedia facilities, Seewo white board, Ipad Teaching procedures Procedures Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Purpose of design Step 1. Warm up and lead in Recall the important skills in learning English and then ask students to think about their problems with learning English Invite a student to share her ways of learning English Talk about the impotant skills in learning English and their problems with learning English One student shares her experience in learning English Arouse students’ interest and lead in the topic of language learning Step 2. Reading (Passage One) Ask students to read a dialogue and find out the different ways in learning English Ask students to discuss in gourps to summerize more ways of learning English, giving some pictures as a hint, then the teacher put them down on the blackboard Recall the strctures to give advice and have a practice 1.Read after the tape, and then find out the different ways in learning English. 2. Discuss in groups and write down more ways of learning English, then report the methods in terms of listening, speaking, reading and writing 3. Find out different ways to give advice in the dialogue and then have a practice by completing the sentences Review and consolidate some useful expressions about learning English as well as the different ways of giving advice (Passage Two) Ask S to read through a passage and underline the problems the three students have Ask students to finish the letter from Diana to students with the correct form of the words in the box. Draw attention to the content and the sturcture of the letter. Read a passage quickly and underline the problems the three students have and then report to the class. Finish the letter from Diana to students with the correct form of the words in the box. Observe the content and the sturcture of the letter. Learn about how to write a letter about giving advice on English learning, pay attention to its structure Step 3. Writing and revising Assign a writing task and analyze the sturcture of the writing, encourage students to write by oneself Ask S to revis ... ...

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