
Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 1a-2c 课件(共25张PPT,无音频) 人教版八年级英语上册

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:90次 大小:5438019Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Nice to see you again!! Welcome back to school!!! Where did you go on vacation It was a long vacation!! Now we will listen to an English song: yesterday once more, let's sing it togeter Pesentation Where did you go on vacation I stayed at home went to New York City Where did vacation Presentation you go on 巴克兰第5届中美英语夏令营 BUCKLAND SINO-AMERICAN ENGLISH CA went to summer camp Where did vacation Presentation you go om Presentation Where did you go om vacation went to the beach Presentation Where did you goom vacation visited the visited my uncle Where did vacation Presentation you go on went to New York City went to the beach went to summer camp went to the mountains stayed at home visited my uncle visited museums Learn in pairs Important Expressions 1.stayed at homef 2.went to New York City b 3.visited my uncle g 4.went to summer camp d 5.went to the mountains C 6.went to the beach a 7.visited museums e 1a Match the pictures witht the activities [a-g。 1.Tina 2.Bob ere d you 3.Sally 4.Xiang Hua 5.Tom Usten and number the people in the picture (1-5)。 iste 1b Name Activities 1.Tina went to the mountains 2.Xiang Hua went to New York City 3.Sally stayed at home 4.Bob visited his uncle 5.Tom went to summer camp Make conversations about the people in 1a. She went to the mountains. Paiwok 1c Where did Tina go on vacation Where did ... go on vacation She/He How was your vacation Great! I went to the Where did you go mountains. Make your own conversations. Practice I went to the Where did you Great Wall. go stayed at home 瑟 places went to New York City went to the beach 2a Listen:Where did the people go on vacation Complete the chart. People Grace Kevin Julie Did you .. Grac e go with anyone go to Central Park buy anything special Kevi n play volleyball swim meet anyone interesting do anything Listen again.For each question check( √) anyone 任何人=anybody, 叫不定代词, · 与单数谓语动词连用,常用于疑问句和否定句中。 · any one 指某些人或事物中的任何一个, · 常与of短语连用。作主语,谓语动词用单数。 Any one of the books is interesting. ·这些书中任何一本都有趣。 ·anything任何事物 · anything special(什么)特别的事物 · ·some和any后可加可数名 词复数或不可数名词原形 。some 多用于肯定句, any多用于否定句、疑问 句和条件从句。 A:Grace,where did you go on vacation B:I went to New York City. A:Oh,really Did you go with anyone B:Yes,I went with my mother. Role-play the conversations between Grace,Kevin and Julie. 2c Oh,really Did you go Yes,I .. with anyone Kevin,where did you g0 on vacation I... Julie,where did you go on vacation Oh,really Did you go with anyone I.. Yes,I ... Homework: Draw a picture about your vocation and tell the story to us tomorroW.

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