

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:试卷 查看:59次 大小:292506Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 中职高考单招2024年英语模拟试题(五) 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 题号 一 二 三 四 总分 得分 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 一、单项选择 1.Nowadays,each of the students_____a new dictionary in the countryside. A.has B.had C.have 2.Tina and Tom _____ with each other happily on the Internet this time yesterday. A.are chatting B.will chat C.have chatted D.were chatting 3.After the Chinese spacecraft’s landing on Mars _____ on May 16, 2021, we felt even prouder of our country. A.announces B.announced C.were announced D.was announced 4.We all like soft music that _____ us relaxed. A.making B.make C.to make D.makes 5.—What are you saving money for —Father’s Day is around the corner. I _____ a gift for my father. A.am going to buy B.have bought C.bought D.was buying 6.It took my sister half _____ hour to play _____ piano yesterday. A.a; the B.an; the C.a;/ D.an; / 7.—China is becoming stronger and stronger. More and more foreign people are learning Chinese. —_____ proud we are! We don’t regret being Chinese. A.What a B.How C.How a 8.—A: Where is Joe —B: _____ A.He has been to the teachers’ office. B.He has gone to the teachers’ office. C.He goes to the teachers’ office. D.He went to the teachers’ office. 9.—Oh, my God!I can’t find my key to the office. —Don’t worry. Perhaps it_____at your home. A.left B.was left C.will be left D.has left 10.—_____ do you know about Charlotte Bronte, the author of Jane Eyre —Only a little, I'm afraid. A.How much B.How many C.How long D.How often 二、完形填空 完形填空 A well-dressed man goes _____a restaurant a day. He sits down at a table near the window. A waiter comes up to _____and says, "Can I help you, sir " The man says, "Can I see the menu " "Certainly. " The man orders a good meal. He wants a lot of _____dishes. The waiter gets them for him. The man is having his meal. 11 that time a boy comes in and sits down beside the man. He asks the waiter to give him an ice cream. The man does so. Now the boy is eating his ice cream. The man is saying, "I go out 12 a newspaper." Then he goes out. After the boy eats his ice cream up, the boy _____and goes to the door. "_____, your father didn’t 13 for the meal and your ice cream. "The waiter stops him and says. "Father You're _____.He isn't my father. I don't 14 him. I meet him in the street. He says he will give me an ice cream if I come here at twelve o'clock. " 11.A.in B.out C.into D.onto 12.A.him B.it C.his D.them 13.A.tasty B.clean C.bad D.many 14.A.In B.On C.At D.For 15.A.with B.for C.to D.at 16.A.sits down B.gets up C.stands up D.comes down 17.A.Excuse me B.Sorry C.Hello D.Hi 18.A.spend B.cost C.take D.pay 19.A.good B.right C.well D.wrong 20.A.like B.know C.help D.ask 三、阅读单选 Most of Tom’s neighbors were friendly. They were always ready to help ... ...

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