ID: 19347456

Lesson 46 Home to Many Cultures 表格式教案

日期:2025-03-06 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:80次 大小:415721B 来源:二一课件通
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From Grade 9 Unit 8 Classes required 1 Class type reading Title Lesson 46 Home to Many Cultures Teaching objectives Knowledge and skills: Be able to master the words and expressions: percent, immigrant, according, although, religion, respect, Central America. 2.Be able to understand the main idea of the passage. 3.Let the students know different cultures in one country. Process and method : Students are required to learn knowledge points in advance by video or self-learning process,and try to learn records, reflection and other learning skills. 2. In class, guide the students to grasp the knowledge points and expression methods through the learning process of group helping, questioning and solving problems according to the self-study situation and class learning tasks. 3.students are able to use the phrases and sentence patterns they learn in this lesson to express the difference culture in difference countries. Emotional attitude and values: Arouse the desire of students to study independently. Stimulate students’ interest in learning English. Know about the difference in difference countries. teaching key point Learn the key words and expressions related to this lesson. To arouse the interests of the students, let them use the knowledge to talk about the difference of culture.. teaching difficult point Use what they’ve learned to express. Teaching methods Task-based teaching method、the reading instruction method、the discussion method Learning method Self-study learning method, cooperative learning method Teaching resources PPT, tape and record Teaching process and design Design intent Main steps Step1. Leading-in 1.Where is it 2.What are the differences between Canada and China Step2. Preview-check:New Words percent n. 百分之…… central adj. 中部的中间的(centre n.) immigrant n. 移民 according to prep. 根据;依据 official adj. 官方的;正式的 (office n.) custom n. 习惯;习俗;风俗 Step3. Listening Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. 1.Canada is home to many _____. 2.Canada became a country in _____. 3.According to a survey, the number of European immigrants _____ from 90 percent to 25 percent, but the number of Asian immigrants _____ from 3 percent to 48 percent. 4.Although Canada has two official languages— _____ and _____,most Canadians do not speak both. Step4. Reading 1.Fast-reading Read the lesson and match the main ideas of each paragraph. Detail Reading Exercise 1 in “Let’s do it.” Step5.Retell. Fill in the the mind-map. Step6.Practice. Match the phrases. be home to …….的数目 according to …….的发源地 the number of 根据;依照 a way of doing sth 互相 keep…alive 做某事的方法 one another 使……保持生机 Step7. Summary and homework. 问题导入,激发思考,拉近师生距离,降低学习难度,并且提高学生学习兴趣。 在课前,布置预习新单词任务。在课堂上,直接进行单词检测,了解学生的预习情况,及时掌握学情,及时纠正单词读音。 通过听力环节,让学生了解整篇文章的主旨大意,听力填空即降低了难度,也符合中考题型。在完成这个任务的过程中,穿插讲解本 ... ...

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