ID: 19840881

Module 8 Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths.课件(共21张PPT+3音视频)2023-2024学年外研版九年级英语下册

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:96次 大小:24142207B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Module 8 Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths. Revision: What must Betty do after they raise their glasses in Unit 1 Task 1: Match the main idea of each paragraph. a. give thanks to teachers b. to call on everyone to say thanks c. the feelings of making the speech d. give thanks to parents e. give thanks to friends f. to thank three groups of people Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Para.5 Para.6 Tip: Pay attention to the first and the last sentence. Part 1 Beginning Part 2 Body Part 3 Ending Task 2: Read Part 1 (Para 1-2) and choose the best answer. What’s Betty’s feeling when she made the speech A. sad B. proud C. worried What does Betty use to thank many people A. chocolate B. gifts C. roses What do you think of Betty A. polite B. rude C. careless Tips: 1. Underline key words in the questions. 2. Find out the answers in the passage. Beginning: _____, _____ and _____ greeting feelings purpose greeting feelings purpose Task 3: Read Part 2 (Para.3-5) and fill in the blanks. the three groups of people _____ _____ _____ Her friends taught her to say many things in _____ and invite her to _____ them. Taught her that there is no _____ without _____. Taught her that love is about _____. teachers friends parents Chinese join success trust effort Thanks to their _____, her Chinese is much better, and they become friends. kindness Her PE teacher _____ along with her to encourage her. ran Her father believes that she will be good at _____ and be better at _____. music maths who what why Body Task 4: Read Part 3 (Para.6) and choose the best answer. 1. What does the word “it” refer to A. memories B. happiness C. people 2. What can’t we do at the end of this speech A. Say thank you and goodbye B. Give best wishes C. Say something rude Tip: “It” refers to the thing mentioned in the previous article. Ending: _____ _____ _____ thank you goodbye best wishes Part 1 Beginning Part 2 Body Part 3 Ending Task 5: Make a conclusion Start our speech by _____, sharing our _____ and saying our _____ of this speech. Decide _____ we want to say thank you to. Say _____ the person did for us. Explain _____ we want to say thank you. Finish our speech by saying _____, _____ and giving _____. who what greeting feelings purpose best wishes thank you goodbye In the _____ part, we can… why Is this speech a good one Why 1. Has a clear structure. 2. Use topic sentences and examples properly. topic sentences examples examples examples Tip: Write topic sentence first, then use examples to support your idea. What kind of figure of speech(修辞手法) is used here Why did the writer use it Parallelism(排比) get the point quickly more powerful 3. Use parallel sentence. How does the subject(主语) change from the beginning to the end Starting from “I” while ending with “we” or “us” can make the speech move other easily. 4. Use the subject properly. Besides polite, what do you think of Betty after listening her w ... ...

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