ID: 21572723


日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:22次 大小:156190B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024-2025学年八年级英语冀教版(2024)期中模拟卷A 一、单项选择 1.—I think _____ should know the Chinese writers like Ba Jin and Lao She. —You’re right. I like their works. one B.anyone C.everyone D.someone 2.Sally’s cousin hates a long wait. I don’t think he’s very _____. A.patient B.generous C.popular 3.The two children _____ the Great Wall with their parents five years ago. A.visit B.will visit C.visited D.are visiting 4._____ my grandpa is over 80 years old, he still looks strong and healthy. A.Although B.Because C.when D.If 5.—I’d like to get a nice dress. —Follow me, please. Here are a lot of clothes you can _____ from. A.share B.choose C.wear D.decide| 6.—Have you finished your report _____ —Yes, I have _____ finished it. yet; yet B.yet; already C.already; yet D.already; already 7.—How far is your home from the theatre —It’s about 20 _____ walk. A.minute B.minutes C.minute’s D.minutes’ 8.—Can a plane fly _____ the Atlantic Ocean —Yes, but it needs to go _____ the clouds for hours. through; across B.across; through C.across; across D.through; through 9.On weekends, I often _____ with my friends on the Internet. A.hug C.wonder D.attend 10.—_____ —I usually go to school by bus. A.How do you usually go to school B.When do you go to school C.What are you doing at school D.Why do you go to school 二、完型填空 Mrs. Gao is my math teacher. She is like the sunshine to me in my middle school life. Mrs. Gao is a hard-working teacher. Each time I walk into her office, I 11 see her working on the computer. 12 Mrs. Gao is busy, she never loses patience (耐心) with us. She takes time to teach clearly when we meet 13 problems. One day, I asked her, “How do you keep your patience with us all the time ” She 14 , “When students have problems with their studies and come to 15 help, I feel very happy that they like to learn.” Mrs. Gao is also 16 to give us useful ideas on learning. To help us get good grades on 17 , she tells us to write down the important things in class. I can write important 18 down in class now. With such an outgoing personality (个性), Mrs. Gao is 19 with students. What’s more, she also shares her ideas with other teachers to make all of them 20 . We all can learn much from her. 11.A.never B.always C.hardly D.sometimes 12.A.When B.Because C.Though D.But 13.A.easy B.interesting C.wonderful D.difficult 14.A.answered B.stood C.broke D.reported 15.A.find out B.make up C.dress up D.ask for 16.A.successful B.fresh C.happy D.sorry 17.A.armies B.programs C.tests D.diaries 18.A.sayings B.points C.jokes D.results 19.A.comfortable B.talented C.similar D.popular 20.A.better B.worse C.quicker D.luckier 三、阅读理解 A What do you think is the best place to relax in your city Here are three students’ answers. ason I think Oscar Cinema is the best place to relax in my city, though it’ ... ...

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