ID: 21572601

期中培优卷04(含答案)--- 2024-2025学年级七年级英语上学期期中培优卷(人教版2024)

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:82次 大小:246485B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024-2025学年级七年级英语上学期期中培优卷(人教版2024) 期中培优卷04 (时间:70分钟 满分:90分) 一、语法选择(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) My name is Sandra.I am 12 years old.I come from New York.I have  1  friend.He is Peter Smith.  2  first name is Peter.His last name is Smith.We are not in the same school.This  3  his school.It is new and big.There are many trees and flowers in it.And it has three playgrounds.His school's phone number is 200-4841. Peter  4  a good teacher.The teacher has a beautiful name—Lily.  5  is Peter's maths teacher. She likes  6  sports at weekends with her family. Li Ming is a Chinese boy.He  7  at school on school days.He is Peter's good friend  8  school.He has different(不同的)hobbies.He doesn't like doing sports,  9  he likes reading books and playing chess with his classmates.Look!  10  is that? It is a pencil box.Is it Li Ming's? I don't know.Let's call him.His number is 495-6811.     B. a      C. the  2.A.He's   B. Him    C. His  3.A.are    B. is      C. be  4.A.had    B. has    C. have  5.A.Hers   B. Her  C. She 6.A.playing B. play    C. plays  7.A.stay    B. stays   C. staying     B. of     C. at 9.A.and   B. but  C. or 10.A.When  B. How    C. What 二、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) Hello! I'm John. Now I'm at school. This is my  11 . Look! There are 51 desks and 50 chairs in it.  12  this desk. It is my desk. It is nice. Do you know its  13 ? It's orange. My schoolbag is on the desk . Some books, a pencil box and a watch are in my schoolbag. The  14  looks nice. It is useful (有用的) because it can  15  me the time. I get it from my father. He gives it to me as a birthday  16 . In my pencil box are  17  pencils: one red pencil and two yellow pencils. In fact (事实上), I don't like red or yellow. My  18  colour is blue. I have many blue things. Oh, where is my key? I can't  19  it. It isn't in my schoolbag. Is it on the desk? No, it isn't. I must find it. Please  20  me if(如果) you see it. Let me tell you my phone number. It's 627-1858. You can call me after school. Thank you so much. 11.A.bedroom C.classroom 12.A.Look at B.Wake up C.Get up D.Write down 13.A.number B.colour C.subject D.bell C.bottle D.key 15.A.spell B.start C.tell 16.A.eraser B.carrot C.yard 17.A.two B.three C.four D.five B.kind D.favourite 19.A.find B.say C.think 20.A.speak D.make 三、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) A Welcome to my blog(博客)! About Me My name is Helen Smith. I'm 13. My friends say I am a good girl. My Family Here you can see the photo of my family. My grandmother, parents, brother and I are in it. My Friends Alice and Cindy are my friends. Alice is 12 and Cindy is 14. They are like sisters to me. They always help me. And I want to say “thank you” ... ...

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