ID: 21572722


日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:84次 大小:154312B 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024-2025学年八年级英语冀教版(2024)期中模拟卷B 一、单项选择 1.— Excuse me. May I _____ your dictionary — Sorry. I _____ it to Bill last week. borrow; lent B.lend; borrowed C.borrowed; lent D.lent; borrowed 2.—Which of the pens will you take —I’ll take _____, one for my son and the other for my daughter. A.none B.all C.either D.both 3.—Everyone went to the park _____ Scott and Dan. —Because they had the piano lesson. A.besides B.with C.except D.beside 4.—A simple _____ of kindness can help others out and make ourselves feel good. —Yeah. So we should give others a hand as much as possible. A.habit B.action C.symbol D.discussion 5._____ November 25th, he _____ the first prize in the competition. A.In, won B.On, won C.On, wins D.For, won 6.—My car broke after the accident last night. —Never _____ about the car. You’re safe, and that’s the most important thing. A.try B.mind C.wonder D.choose 7.—David turns a deaf ear (充耳不闻) to the teachers’ _____ in class. —That’s why he often fails the exams. A.competitions C.instructions D.celebrations 8.—Kindness can even touch the heart of the animals. —I agree. We should know the lesson, _____, the animals may be dangerous to us. A.moreover B.while C.however D.otherwise 9.—Have you tried the fish —Yes. It _____ delicious. A.looks B.tastes C.feels D.sounds 10.Sally wants to buy a new shirt _____ hers is too old now. A.when B.where C.because 二、完型填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Chris is 12 years old. He’s 11 . His friends often ask him to play 12 them. However, he always refuses (拒绝) them. He knows he should make a 13 . And every time he tells himself, “I must do something about it now,” he always makes it tomorrow. But the next day, he will not do anything. These days, he 14 more and more time staying alone. Sometimes he meets some strangers (陌生人), but he doesn’t know 15 to say to them. There is a girl in Chris’ class. He sits next to the girl in the class. One day, he sat there 16 . The girl tried to talk to him. In the past, he would 17 to keep silent. But this time, he found the girl was trying hard to talk, 18 he did his best to react (回应). The girl, Beth, was also shy. But she was trying to overcome (克服) 19 . She learned how to talk to people. For the first time, Chris thought he was 20 of the class. After talking to Beth, he was able to talk to a few people in the class that day. He also prepared to go out with someone that night. 11.A.shy C.proud D.perfect B.after C.with D.for 13.A.friend B.Change C.decision D.mistake 14.A.uses B.takes C.spends D.costs 15.A.what B.when C.why 16.A.on time if order usual 17.A.shake B.choose C.control D.cheat B.and C.but D.because 19.A.them D.him 20.A. all B.sense C.spirit D.Part 三、阅读理解 A ... ...

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