ID: 20079657

2023-2024学年外研版英语九年级下册 课件 Module 8 Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths.(共34张PPT)

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:65次 大小:6213927B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths.(P66-67) Ⅰ重点单词。(表示拓展词汇,单词加粗部分为词缀,*表示2022年新课标新增单词) 名词 1. 玫瑰;蔷薇_____   2. 床边;床头_____    3. 短笺;便条_____ 4. 善举;好意_____→友好地 adv. _____ 形容词 5. 失望的;沮丧的*_____→ _____ n. disappointment 代词 6. ……的人;那个人 _____ rose bedside note kindness kindly disappointed 失望;沮丧 whom Ⅱ 重点短语。 1. 更擅长于 2. 很自豪…… 3. 嘲笑 4. 邀请某人做某事 5. 幸亏;由于 6. 放弃(努力) 7. 与……一起跑步 8. 尽某人最大的努力 9. 醒来 10. 起立;站起来 be better at be proud that… laugh at invite sb. to do sth. thanks to give up run along with try one's best wake up stand up Ⅲ 重点句型。 1. These roses ____ ____ _____ three groups of people for the three most important things ____ I have learnt. 这些玫瑰用来表达我对三组人的谢意,因为我(从他们那里)学到了最重要的三件事。 2. I give the white rose to my teachers, who have taught me that there is ___ _____ _____ _____. 我把白玫瑰献给我的老师们,他们教会我不努力就不会成功(的道理)。 are to thank that no success without effort 3. I still can't run fast enough, but I've learnt to try my best, ____ _____ with running ____ with whatever else I do. 我仍然跑得不够快,但我学会了要尽最大努力,不仅仅是在跑步的时候,而且做其他任何事情也是如此。 4. I give the yellow rose to my parents ____ _____ ____ that love is about trust. 我把黄玫瑰献给我的父母,感谢他们教会我爱与信任密不可分。 not only but for teaching me 5. I'm sure that you all have your own memories about the happiness of the last three years, and ____ _____ _____ you want to thank for it. 我相信在过去的三年里,你们都有各自快乐的回忆,以及你们为此想要感谢的人。 the people whom Ⅳ 读写三步学案。 第一步:精读课文(M8 U2),完成阅读理解。 ( )1. Who does Betty want to thank A. Doctors, nurses and patients. B. Policemen, officers and teachers. C. Drivers, postmen and classmates. D. Friends, teachers and parents. D ( )2. What happened when Betty ran in the 800 metres A. She was the fastest one at last. B. She didn't want to give it up. C. She couldn't run fast enough. D. She was taught how to run fast by her friends. C ( )3. Why did Betty give the yellow rose to her parents A. Her parents ran along with her. B. Her parents taught her how to learn maths. C. Her parents taught her that love is about trust. D. Her father gave her a violin as a birthday gift. C ( )4. Which of the following is true A. Betty's friends laughed at her Chinese. B. The teacher encouraged Betty to try her best. C. Betty's father wanted her to do well in maths only. D. Betty doesn't like to speak in front of so many people. B ( )5. What is the purpose of the speech A. To thank people. B. To say sorry. C. To make friends. D. To tell stories. A 第二步:拓文化视角,品精选时文。 语篇类型:说明文 主题:人与自然·探秘月球  难度:   词数:233  用时:8分钟数: Humans have been to the moon. But have you heard of a woman on the moon NASA has ... ...

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