
2024年广东省中考英语复习 语法选择 22篇(含答案)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:75次 大小:49269Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年中考英语复习 语法选择 22篇 广东省模拟汇编(23--24) (2024·广东广州·一模)Su Shi was a famous poet and writer during the Song Dynasty in ancient China. For a few years he worked 1 an official in Huangzhou. One winter night, after 2 out the candles while getting ready for bed, he noticed the silvery moonlight through the window. “It will be a pity 3 I just go to sleep and miss the moonlight!” He thought. “And how cheerful it could be to take a walk in the moonlight!” 4 he felt lonely walking all on his own. He remembered his friend Zhang Huaimin 5 at a nearby temple at that time. So, he decided to make 6 unexpected visit to his friend. When Su Shi arrived at the temple, he was 7 to find that his friend was awake too. So, the two friends took a walk in the beautiful garden. The bright moonlight shone on the surface of the ground and made the garden 8 like a calm deep lake. 9 shadows on the ground looked like water plants. They seemed to move with the waves 10 . The two friends were totally lost in the sight. For a while they simply forgot who and where they were. Su Shi 11 by the beautiful night. But what he loved 12 that night was the deep connection between himself and his friend. Su Shi was in 13 high spirits that he created a well-known article. He expressed 14 he felt about the walk. In his mind, it was a great pleasure for the two friends 15 the same cheerful feeling and love to enjoy the moon and the trees together. 1.A.as B.for C.out D.on 2.A.blow B.blew C.blowing D.to blow 3.A.before B.unless C.if D.until 4.A.And B.But C.Or D.So 5.A.was staying B.would stay C.stayed D.stays 6.A.a B.an C.the D./ 7.A.amazement B.amazing C.amazed D.amaze 8.A.look B.to look C.looked D.looking 9.A.The bamboo and pine tree B.The bamboos and pine trees C.The bamboos and pine trees’ D.The bamboos’ and pine trees’ 10.A.gentle B.gentler C.gentlest D.gently 11.A.attracted B.was attracted C.were attracted D.was attracting 12.A.many B.much C.more D.most 13.A.such B.such a C.so D.so a 14.A.when B.that C.how D.why 15.A.share B.sharing C.shared D.to share (2024·广东韶关·一模)请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,根据语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 New Year was coming. One day, 16 my way home from school, a lady gave me a piece of paper saying that the neighborhood was asking people to give New Year gifts to those 17 needed them. When I got home, I showed my mother 18 paper and said that I wanted to take part in the plan. My mother agreed and encouraged me to offer 19 to others. She said we would become “Neighborhood Angels.” Several days later, my mother 20 me to the town center. “I will drive you to Boots Department Store 21 something you think suitable for a neighborhood present.” she said. As we went into the store, my mother gave me $20 to pay for the gift. Then she left me alone to do the shopping. I was not used to buying things on my own. Every ... ...

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