ID: 20256254

Module 8 Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths.课件+素材(28张PPT)

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:45次 大小:5595549B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Module 8 My future life Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths. 外研九年级(下) Learning Objectives By the end of the class, we will be able to: 1. analyze the reasons of Betty’s gratitude and her thanks; 2. talk about our unforgettable memories and gains in the past three years; 3. know the structure of the graduation speech and appreciate the language; 4. write a graduation speech we might give at the school-leavers’party. Task You are going to finish your academic journey soon. I believe that you had some impressive and unforgettable experiences with friends, teachers and parents in the past three years. By the end of the class, you will be asked to make a graduation speech to share your experiences and gains during the three years. Free talk What does “June” mean to you Summer vocation Travelling Middle school entrance examination Graduation Betty is chosen to make a graduation speech in the school-leavers’ party. Look at the picture and try to make predictions. Who will probably get thanks from the school-leavers What will Betty probably say Why are there three roses Now read the passage and find out the answers! Prediction Who does Betty want to thank What kind of roses does Betty give to them friends teachers parents a red rose a white rose a yellow rose Why does Betty give them roses with different colours What are symbolic meanings of them It symbolizes love and passion. It often conveys deep affection and admiration for someone special. It often represents purity and reverence(尊敬). It symbolizes joy, happiness, a sign of care and appreciation towards someone. Friends 1. What difficult situation was Betty in when she started school in China 2. What did her friends do to help her 3. What changes did she made 4. What did she learn from her firends Her Chinese was not good. They kindly taught her to say many things in English. Her Chinese is much better. Friendship and kindness Teachers 1. What difficult situation was Betty in 2. What did her teachers do to help her 3. What changes did she made 4. What did she learn from her teachers She always finished last when she started running in the 800 metres. Her PE teacher, Ms Huang, ran along with her and gave her encouragement. She can’t run fast enough, but can try her best No success without effort. Thinking In paragraphs 3 and 4, Betty shares her stories about friends and teachers, what is the same about the two stories Betty had some difficulties. but Some people helped her. Betty made changes. Betty learned something from them. Parents What was conflict situation between Beety and her dad How did she feel Betty: wanted to learn the volin Her father: worked harder at maths Disappointed How did her father solve the conflict Her father: brought a beautiful volin and wrote a note What did Betty learn from her dad Love is about trust. Discussion 1. Why did Betty share her stories about friends, teachers, and parent ... ...

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