
Module 9 Unit 1 The population of China is about 1.37 billion 课件(共47张PPT+3音视频) 外研版八年级上册

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    (课件网) Module 9 Population Unit 1 The population of China is about 1.37 billon. 1 课时导入 2 课文呈现 3 考点精讲 4 课堂小结 印度孟买 中国上海 1. Work in pairs. Look at the picture and talk about it. Use the words in the box to help you. Listening and vocabulary noise people  space  traffic There is too much noise in the street. The population is becoming bigger and bigger. There is so much smoke in the sky. We won’t have enough space to live in. Too many cars bring traffic problems. 1 What is the population of Beijing a) About 11 million. b) About 13 million. c) About 20 million. 2 What is the population of Chong qing a) About 28 million. b) About 33 million. c) About 36 million. 2. Listen and choose the correct answer. c b 听力材料 Conversation Betty: I went shopping in the city centre with my family last week. Tony: Did you have a good time Betty: Yes, I did, but there was a lot of traffic on the way there. Then there were too many people and not enough space. It was impossible to move. And there was a lot of noise. Tony: Well, Beijing is a big city. Betty: Yes, it is. It has a population of about twenty million. Tony: Twenty million! Does Beijing have the largest population in China Betty: No, it doesn’t. Chongqing has the largest population in China. More than thirty- three million people live there. Tony: Really That’s a lot of people! Betty: Yes, and there’s a lot more pollution in the air. Betty: What are you doing Tony: I’m preparing some notes for a report called “Our growing population”. ① Li ngling: well , We’re in the right place to talk about that! Beijing is a huge city with a big population. That causes a lot of problems, such as too much traffic and noise. ② 3. Listen and read. 温馨提示: 此符号表示“考点精讲点拨”链接。 make/take notes of grow-grew -grown huge,big,large 都表示大的 Betty: It’s not only Beijing. Population increase is a big problem in many countries. ③ Do you know how many babies are born every minute in the world Tony: No. Can you tell me Betty: Over 250 ! That makes over 131.4 million births a year. Lingling: I don’t believe it! ④ Betty: The population of China is about 1.37 billion. That’s almost one fifth of the world’s population, that is, about 7 billion. ⑤ the date of birth 出生日期 birthday 生日 billions of 数以十亿计的;大量的 Tony: Hang on a minute! ⑥ I’ll write that down too! Betty: But in the future, China ’s population won’t grow so fast , because families are getting smaller. Lingling: How do you know all this Betty: I wrote my report yesterday! Tony: Great, thanks! Now I can write my report! Everyday English ·I can’t believe it! ·Hang on a minute! ·Great! Now complete the notes. Babies born every minute (world): Babies born every year (world): Population of China: Population of the world: over 250 131.4 million 1.37 billion 7 billion A: What’s the population of Beijing B: It has a population of about twenty millio ... ...

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