
高教版中职英语高一下册基础模块1 Unit3 Shopping 知识清单+练习(单词、句型、语篇)含答案

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:试卷 查看:89次 大小:1809008Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 3 Shopping知识清单 01 Word and Expressions mall /m :l/ n.商场 online / n'lain/ adv./adj.在线(的); 联网(的) stationery /'stei nri/ n.文具 beverage /'bev rid / n.(除以外的)饮料 snack /sn k/ n.零食 sweater /'swet (r)/ n.线衣;毛衣 cotton /'k tn/ n.棉花;棉布 jeans /d i:nz/ n.牛仔裤 material /m 'ti ri l/ n.材质;材料 size /saiz/ n.尺码;大小 silk /silk/ n.丝绸 customer /'k st m (r)/ n.顾客 style /stail/ n.款式;风格 tight /tait/ adj.紧身的;紧的 fit /fit/ v.(尺寸)合身;适合 edition /i'di n/ n.版本 bestselling / best sel / adj.畅销的 review /ri'vju:/ n.评论;评价 discount /'diskaunt/ n.折扣 communication /k mju:ni'kei n/ n.沟通;交际 workplace /'w :kpleis/ n.工作场所 offer /' f (r)/ v.提供 compare /k m'pe (r)/ v.比较 add / d/ v.增加 traditional /tr 'di nl/ adj.传统的 font /f nt/ n.(印刷或显示的)字体 feature /'fi:t (r)/ n.特色;特征 cart /kɑ:t/ n.购物车;手推车 rating /'reiti / n.评级 original / 'rid nl/ adj.原来的;起初的 convenience store便利店 shop assistant / p 'sist nt/ 商店店员 fitting room /'fiti ru:m/ 试衣间 on sale / n seil/ 打折销售;减价出售 pay with /pe w /用…支付 payment code / pe m nt k d/支付码 lead the way to /li d we tu /引向 02 Listening and Speaking Shop assistant: Hello, how can I help you Customer: I’d like a pair of jeans, please. Shop assistant: How about these They’re very popular. 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Customer: I like the style. Can I try them on Shop assistant: Of course. What size are you Customer: 25. Shop assistant: Here you are. The fitting room is over there. Customer: I think they’re a bit tight. Do you have a larger size Shop assistant: Yes. Try this pair. (5 minutes later) Customer: Now they fit well. How much are they Shop assistant: 170 yuan. They’re on sale now. Customer: Good. I’ll take them. Can I pay with my cell phone Shop assistant: Sure. Please show me your payment code. Customer: Here. Shop assistant: Thank you very much. 译文: 店员:您好,有什么可以帮您的吗? 顾客:我想买条牛仔裤。 店员:这条怎么样?它非常受欢迎。 顾客:我喜欢这个款式。我可以试穿吗? 店员:当然可以。您穿多大号? 顾客:25号。 店员:给您。试衣间在那边。 顾客:我觉得有点紧。有大一点的尺码吗? 店员:有的。试试这条。 (五分钟后) 顾客:这条很合身。多少钱? 店员:170元。现在正在打折。 顾客:好。我买了。我可以用手机付款吗? 店员:当然可以。请出示一下您的付款码。 顾客:在这里。 店员:非常感谢。 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 03 Reading andWriting Good Start Student’s English Dictionary 5th Edition The Bestselling Dictionary for English Learners in China About the Product Good Start Student’s English Dictionary 5th Edition builds your English vocabulary better than ever before and leads the way to more confident communication in English. Key Features Good Start Student’s English Dictionary 5th Edition includes the most important words in English and the most useful words for the workplace; explains word meanings in both Chinese and simple English; provides ... ...

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