
高教版中职英语高一下册基础模块1 Unit4 School Life 知识清单+练习(单词、句型、语篇)含答案

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:试卷 查看:15次 大小:1905070Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 4 School Life知识清单 chemistry['kemistri]n.化学 college['k lid ]n.大学 competition[ k mp 'ti n]n.比赛 exciting[ik'saiti ]adj.令人兴奋的 experience[ik'spi ri ns]n.经验 favorite['feiv rit]adj.最喜爱的 fun[f n]adj.使人快乐的 n.乐趣 hall[h :l]n.大厅 hands-on['h ndz' n, -' :n]adj.实际操作的 hold[h uld]v.举办 interesting['intr sti ]adj.有趣的 internship['int :n ip]n.实习 major['meid (r)]n.专业;专业课 physics['fiziks]n.物理 politics['p l tiks]n.政治 practice['pr ktis]v.练习 relaxing[ri'l ksi ]adj.轻松的;令人放松的 related[ri'leitid]adj.相关的 skill[skil]n.技能;技艺 skilled[skild]adj.有技能的;熟练的 special['spe l]adj.特别的;特殊的 subject['s bd ikt]n.学科 training['treini ]n.训练 sound like 听上去似乎 information technology[ inf 'mei n tek'n l d i](IT)信息技术 practical training 实训 prepare ... for… 使…为…做好准备 Ella Baker and Lin Yang meet each other outside the classroom. Lin Yang: What are your plans for the afternoon Ella Baker: I have classes from 13:30 to 15:30. Lin Yang: Me too. What are you going to do after that Ella Baker: The singing club is holding a competition this afternoon. I’m going to watch it. Lin Yang: Sounds fun. Where are they holding the competition Ella Baker: In the meeting hall. Lin Yang: When will it begin Ella Baker: It’ll begin at 16:00. Lin Yang: When will it be over Ella Baker: It’ll be over by 18:00. Lin Yang: I think I’ll be free from 16:00 to 18:00. Shall we go together Ella Baker: Sure. It’ll be great. See you there! Lin Yang: See you! 参考译文: 艾拉·贝克尔和林杨在教室外相遇。 林杨:你下午有什么计划吗? 艾拉·贝克尔:我1:30到 3:30有课。 林杨:我也是。那之后你要做什么? 艾拉·贝克尔:歌唱俱乐部下午要举行比赛。我要去看看。 林杨:听起来很有意思。他们在哪里举行比赛? 艾拉·贝克尔:在会议厅。 林杨:比赛什么时候开始? 艾拉·贝克尔:下午4点钟。林杨:那什么时候结束? 艾拉·贝克尔:到6点钟结束。 林杨:我想我4点到6点有空,要不我们一起去吧? 艾拉·贝克尔:好的。那太棒了。回头见! 林杨:回头见! Star Vocational High School Your bright future begins here. Where do you see yourself in three years Whether you want to get into a college or to become a skilled worker, Star Vocational High School (SVHS) will prepare you for it. In the classroom You will study basic subjects such as Politics, Chinese, Math, English and History.You will also study special subjects related to your major. Learning by doing You will learn and practice your skills in the training center.You will also get hands-on experience by doing internships at real companies. Student life Life at school is not all about studying. Having fun can help you relax and help you learn.At SVHS, you will have all kinds of school trips, activities, clubs, and sports teams to choose from. 参考译文: 星星职业学校 精彩未来由此开启 三年后你有什么打算? 无论你想要进入大学,还是想要成为一名熟练的技术工人,星星职业学校都会帮你做好准备。 在教室里 你将会学习一些基础课程,如政治、语文、数学、英语和历史。 你也将学习一些与你的专业相关的专门课程。 ... ...

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