
高教版中职英语高一下册基础模块1 Unit5 Celebrations 知识清单+练习(单词、句型、语篇)含答案

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:试卷 查看:23次 大小:1448186Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit5 Celebrations知识清单 attend[ 'tend]v.出席;参加 attendance[ 'tend ns]n.出席;参加 banquet['b kwit]n.宴会 beat[bi:t]n.(音乐的)节拍 cafeteria[ k f 'ti ri ]n.自助食堂; 自助餐厅 celebrate['selibreit]v.庆祝 ceremony['ser m ni]n.典礼;仪式 common['k m n]n./adj.共同(的) confirm[k n'f :m]v.确认 employee[im'pl ii:]n.员工 event[i'vent]n.公众活动;重要事件 growth[gr uθ]n.成长 invitation[ invi'tei n]n.邀请;邀请函 invite[in'vait]v.邀请 marketing['mɑ:kiti ]n.市场营销 opportunity[ p 'tju:n ti]n.机会 partner['pɑ:tn (r)]n.伙伴;搭档 preparation[ prep 'rei n]n.准备;准备工作 sincerely[sin'si li]adv.真诚地 support[s 'p :t]n./v.支持 help with 帮助 in common 共同的;共有的 invite... to… 邀请…...参加look forward to[luk 'f :w d tu:]期待 need a hand (with...) 需要帮手(做…...) on behalf of 代表 opening ceremony 开业典礼;开幕 play an important role 发挥重要作用 Mary Fisher and Li Xiaonian are talking about holding a party. Mary Fisher: There will be a welcome party for the new employees this Friday. Would you like to come Li Xiaonian: I’d love to. When and where will the party be held Mary Fisher: At 10 o’clock in the cafeteria. Li Xiaonian: I’ll be there! Do you need a hand I can help with the preparation. Mary Fisher: That’s very nice of you. Have you been to a welcome party before Li Xiaonian: Yes, I have. Mary Fisher: Great. Can you give us some ideas for the party activities Li Xiaonian: Of course. I know a perfect game for welcome parties. Mary Fisher: What is it Li Xiaonian: It’s called “10 things in common”. Mary Fisher: Oh, yes. I played it once. It's a great game to get everyone to know each other better. 参考译文: 玛丽·费希尔和李晓年正在讨论举办一场聚会。 玛丽·费希尔:这周我们将举办新员工欢迎会,你能参加吗? 李晓年:我能参加。欢迎会是什么时候、在哪里举行呢? 玛丽·费希尔:在餐厅,10点钟开始。 李晓年:我会去的。你需要帮手吗?我可以帮忙准备。 玛丽·费希尔:太好了。你参加过欢迎会吗? 李晓年:嗯,参加过。 玛丽·费希尔:太好了。关于聚会上的活动,你有什么建议吗? 李晓年:当然。我知道一个非常适合欢迎会的游戏。 玛丽·费希尔:什么游戏呢? 李晓年:一个叫“10个共同点”的游戏。 玛丽·费希尔:噢,对。我以前玩过一次。这个游戏很棒,能让大家更好地熟悉彼此。 Dear Mr Michael Smith, On behalf of ABC Shopping, I would like to invite you to attend the opening ceremony of our new shopping mall in Shenzhen. The event will be held at 108 Nanping road, Futian district on November 8th at 10:00 am. FT Clothing and ABC Shopping have been business partners for over ten years. Your support has played an important role in our company’s growth. We want to take this opportunity to thank you and to celebrate our success. We hope you will be able to confirm your attendance before November 1st. We look forward to seeing you at this celebration. Sincerely yours, Li Mei Marketing Manager ABC Shopping 参考译文: 亲爱的迈克尔·史密斯先生: 我谨代表ABC购物公司邀请您参加我们位于深圳的新购物中心的开业典礼。开业典礼将于11月8日上午8点在福田区南平路108号举行。 FT ... ...

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