
高教版中职英语高一下册基础模块1 Unit6 Food and Drinks 知识清单+练习(单词、句型、语篇)含答案

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:试卷 查看:43次 大小:1414476Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit6 Food and Drinks知识清单 cozy['k uzi]adj.温暖舒适的 cuisine[kwi'zi:n]n.菜肴 dining['daini ]n.用餐 environment[in'vair nm nt]n.环境 factor['f kt (r)]n.因素 famous['feim s]adj.著名的 medium['mi:di m]adj.(肉)五分熟的 mushroom['m rum]n.蘑菇 order[' :d (r)]n.点菜订单v.点菜 proper['pr p (r)]adj.合适的 quality['kw l ti]n.质量 recommend[ rek 'mend]v.推荐 restaurant['restr nt]n.餐馆 rare[re (r)]adj.(肉)三分熟的 ruin['ru:in]v.毁坏 specialty['spe lti]n.特色菜;特色 spicy['spaisi]adj.辣的 unwise[ n'waiz]adj.不明智的 variety[v 'rai ti]n.不同种类 various['ve ri s]adj.各种不同的 well-done['wel'd n]adj.(肉)全熟的 wisely[waizli]adv.聪明地 apart from[ 'pɑ:t fr m]除了 be able to[bi: 'eibl tu:]能够 contribute to[k n'tribjut tu:]为...做贡献 eat out[i:t aut]外出就餐 mineral water['min r l 'w :t ]矿泉水 pay attention to[pei 'ten n tu:]注意 price range[prais reind ]价格范围 tend to[tend tu:]往往会 Waiter: Excuse me. Can I take your order now Mary Fisher: Yes, please. Waiter: What would you like to have Mary Fisher: I’d like the tomato soup, fruit salad and a steak. Waiter: How would you like your steak cooked, rare, medium or well-done Mary Fisher: Medium, please. And give me a glass of mineral water. Waiter: Yes, Madam. What about you, Sir Bob Adams: What do you recommend Waiter: Would you like to try the chicken It’s our specialty. Bob Adams: OK. I’ll have the mushroom soup, vegetable salad and the chicken then. Waiter: Anything to drink Bob Adams: Orange juice, please. 参考译文: 服务员:您好,请问您是要点菜了吗? 玛丽·费舍尔:是的,可以了。 服务员:您需要点些什么? 玛丽·费舍尔:我想要西红柿汤、水果沙拉和牛排。 服务员:您的牛排要几分熟?三分熟、五分熟还是全熟? 玛丽·费舍尔:请做成五分熟。再给我一杯矿泉水吧。 服务员:好的,女士。这位先生呢? 鲍勃·亚当斯:您有什么推荐的吗? 服务员:您要尝尝鸡肉吗?这是我们店的招牌菜。 鲍勃·亚当斯:好的。那我要蘑菇汤、蔬菜沙拉和鸡肉吧。 服务员:来点饮料吗? 鲍勃·亚当斯:请给我橘子汁。 Before eating out, people tend to use apps to choose a restaurant. Among a variety of reasons for choosing a restaurant, which is the most important one that helps us make the decision Apart from a general rating of 4 or 5 stars, we may also consider factors like these: Location On weekdays, we usually choose a restaurant within walking distance. During weekends, we might be able to go a little bit further for a good restaurant. Food Apart from the quality of the food, we also pay attention to the cooking style. There are eight famous cuisines in China, offering various choices. People with different backgrounds may like different tastes. Price We should choose a restaurant within a proper price range. Spending too much money on eating is unwise. Service Good service may give you a better experience. Bad service may ruin your meal. Environment Be it cozy or noisy, the environment of a restaurant contributes greatly to your dining experience. Choose it wisely. 参考译文: 外出用餐前,人们往往会用手机应用软件选择一家 ... ...

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