
Module 9  Population Unit 1知识点学案(含答案)外研版英语八年级上册

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:48次 大小:168596Byte 来源:二一课件通
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 Module 9  Population Unit 1 新知教材链接 Ⅰ.请听教材Activity 2的对话, 完成句子 1.Betty went shopping in the city centre with her family last week. 2.There was a lot of traffic on the way there.Then there were too many people and not enough space.There was a lot of noise. 3.Beijing has a population of about twenty million. 4.Beijing doesn’t have the largest population in China. 5.Chongqing has a population of more than thirty-three million. Ⅱ.请根据教材Activity 3的对话,回答问题 1.What are the problems in countries with fast-growing populations There is too much traffic and noise. 2.What are the problems in countries with slow-growing populations There aren’t enough people to do all the jobs, or enough young people to look after the older ones. 考点核心解读 考点1.I’m preparing a report called “The world’s population”.我在准备写一篇题为《世界人口》的报告。(教材P72) ◆prepare /pr pe / v.准备;预备 考点解读 语用迁移 ①My mother was preparing food for dinner when I got home yesterday evening. ②我们正在为期末考试做准备。 We’re preparing for the final exams. ③汉译英:我们准备这个周末去踢足球。 We are preparing to play football this weekend. 考点2.And the number will climb to 8.5 billion in 2030.在2030年,这个数字将会升至85亿。(教材P72) ◆number / n mb (r)/ n.数字;数量 考点解读 *The number of the students in our class is forty-five. 我们班的学生人数是45人。 *A number of students are in the classroom. 许多学生在教室里。 *Please number these pictures in the book. 请给书上的这些图片编号。 语用迁移 ①You can join a number of interesting clubs in our school. ②There are five million people in the town.(改为同义句) The number of people in the town is five million. 考点3.The largest increase in population will take place in India, Nigeria and Pakistan. 印度、尼日利亚和巴基斯坦的人口增长将会最多。(教材P72) ◆increase / kri s/ n.增大;增长 / n kri s/ v.增大;增长 考点解读 (1)名词,意为“增大;增长”。 (2)动词,意为“增大;增长”。常用于: ①increase to “增加到” ②increase by “增加了” (3)形容词,increasing意为“不断增加的”。 *The price of the rice has increased to 10 yuan a kilo.大米的价格已经涨到了每千克10元。 *The price of the rice has increased by 10 yuan a kilo. 大米的价格每千克已经增长了10元。 语用迁移 ①—It’s dangerous to drive after drinking. —That’s true.It can increase(增加) the risk of traffic accidents. ②The increasing(不断增加的) population can cause a lot of problems. 考点4. ...it can cause problems, such as too much traffic and noise.……它会引发一些问题,比如交通拥堵和噪音过多。(教材P72) ◆noise /n Iz/ n. 噪声;杂音 考点解读 (1)noise及其相关词汇 noise名词,意为“噪声,杂音”;noisy形容词,意为“吵闹的,嘈杂的”;noisily副词,意为“吵闹地”。 (2)sound, noise与 voice的辨析 三者都与“声音”有关,但指向不同: sound 含义最广,泛指人们能听到的各种声音,无褒贬色彩 noise 意为“噪声”,指不悦耳的、令人烦恼的吵闹声,含贬义 voice 指人说话或唱歌时发出的声音,意为“嗓音” 【助记】 语用迁移 ①请查看一下隔壁房间的噪声是什么 Please find out what the noise was in the nex ... ...

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