ID: 20639861

Module 8 My future life Unit2课件(共22张PPT)外研版英语九年级下册

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:18次 大小:6019521B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 8 My future life Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths. Project Make a thank-you card and send it to the person whom you want to give thanks to. Lead in: Free talk What kind of party have you taken part in The party that see off (送别) the students who are going to leave school a school- leavers’ party a birthday party The party that celebrates one’s birthday 1. Who will probably get thanks from the school-leavers a) Family b) Friends c) Teachers 2. What is the speaker probably going to say a) Thank you. b) Good luck! c) Cheers! √ √ √ √ Pre-reading: predict 1. Check your prediction. Task 1 Fast Reading 2. Read and figure out the structure of the p2-p6. A. B. C. 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 1. Check your prediction. Fast Reading Tip1:Pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph which can help you understand the main idea of the article quickly. Fast Reading 2. Read and figure out the structure of the speech. A. B. C. 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 The red rose whom what why Task 2 Careful Reading 1.Read Para3 and fill in the form. friends their kindness ①Because they didn’t laugh at Betty. ②Because they help Betty to speak Chinese. How did Betty feel at first How may she feel now happy / thankful / confident... Did you make any mistakes when you were learning English try fail succeed How did you feel What should we do when we make mistakes 2.Read Para4 and answer the questions. ①. Which sentence means “You have to work hard to succeed” ②. “You only really lose if you give up!” What does the sentence mean There is no success without effort. If you stop trying, you will never succeed. While-reading: Think further Why did her father give in at last was disappointed gave in was surprised and happy refused trusted love What can you feel from his change 3.Read Para5 and find out the change of Betty’s feelings and her father’s attitude. How do you think Betty would write to her father in reply 4. Further thinking Work in groups and write down at least two or three sentences. ——— ——— ——— ——— Do you think Betty will write to her father in reply 5.Read Para6 and choose. What does the underlined word “it” mean A.effort C.friendship D.happiness Which words can you use to descbibe Betty's speech moving warm polite thankful How does Betty make her speech moving By giving examples. The examples are with the simple past tense. Task 3 Group work 1. Recall your memories about the happiness of the last three years. 2. Who do you want to say thanks to Why Task 3 Project--Make a thank-you card Show our love and express our thanks StudentA: Group leader--organise and introduce the card to the class. StudentB: Design(设计) and paint for the card. StudentC: Take notes and write down the content(内容). StudentD、E、F: Give ideas and think about the details. Group work--divide the jobs. 1. Who do you want to thank and why 2. Give at least ... ...

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