
人教新目标(Go for it)版英语八年级下册知识清单(10份打包)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:14次 大小:286408Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 1 重难点总结 1. take one's temperature 量体温 2.get an X-ray 照X光 3. Thanks to...多亏,由于 1) thanks to =because of 由于… Thanks to (= Because of ) the bad weather, the sports meeting is put off. 由于天气不好,运动会被推迟了。 Thanks to = With the help of 多亏 Thanks to (= With the help of ) him, old man was saved多亏了他,老人最后得救了。 区别: 3)Thanks for...(独立成句,末尾标点为句号) Thanks for your help. thanks to 多亏 由于,(通常放句首,末尾标点为逗号) Thanks to Mr. Wang, I passed the exam. 4.sick adj 生病的,feel sick 感觉不舒服 5. in time 及时 on time准时 6. 做某事有困难 have problems (in) doing sth. = have trouble (in) doing sth = have difficulty (in) doing sth 7. 立即,马上 right away=at once=right now 8. 对…感兴趣 be interested in =take/show/have an interest in. 他对爬山很感兴趣。 He was interested in mountain climbing. He took/ showed / had an interest in mountain climbing. 9. take a risk/take risks 冒险 10. 区别:run out of 和run out 1)Sb. run out of sth= Sb use up sth 某人用光某物 我把我的钱用光了。 I ran out of my money = I used up my money 2) Sth.run out 某物用光了 The water ran out . 水用光了 get on 上车get off下车 12. get into 进入get out of 从 里面出来 13.区别: 1)get on/get off + 大型交通工具 上/下大型交通工具 get on/ off the bus 2) get into / get out of+小型交通工具 上/下小型交通工具 get into/ get out of the car 14. get into trouble 陷入困境 be in trouble 处于困境 15. the importance of doing sth 做某事的重要性 16. 注意以下搭配: see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事 hear sb doing sth 听见某人正在做某事 find sb doing sth 发现某人正在做某事 17.区别 1)be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事 2)used to do sth.过去常常做某事 我过去常常乘车上学,但是现在我习惯了走路上学。 I used to take a bus to school . but now I am used to walking to school. 18. be in control of 掌握;管理 19. decide: v 决定 decision :n决定 make a decision to do sth =decide to do sth. 决定做某事 20. give up doing sth.放弃做某事 21. keep on doing sth 坚持做某事 keep doing sth 一直做某事 22. 某人怎么了? What's the matter with sb. =What's the trouble with sb. = What's wrong with sb. = What happened to sb 23. do sth without thinking twice 不假思索做某事 24. think about doing sth 考虑做某事 25. 1) hurt:伤害 vt. I hurt my knee. 我弄伤了我的膝盖。 2)hurt :疼痛 My head hurt yesterday. 我昨天头疼 26. fall (fell) down . 摔倒 27. put some medicine on the cut 在伤口上药 28. lie on the side of the road 躺在路边 29. drink hot tea with honey 喝带有蜂蜜的热茶 30.区别: 1)lie:v平躺lay(过去时) 2)lie: v 撒谎 lied(过去时) 31. lie down 平躺 32. to one’s surprise 让人吃惊的是 have a surprise party 举行一次惊喜派对 33. between a rock and a hard place 生死两难 34. take breaks away from the computer远离电脑休息 35. get hit on the +身体部位 撞到了Unit2 重难点总结 1.clean up 打扫 2. hand sth out=give sth out 分发 3. give sth away 赠送. 4. cheer sb up=make sb happy 使 高兴/振作 5.set up建立 6.call sb up 给……打电话,征召 7.put off (+doing sth)推迟(做某事) put up①张贴②举起 ... ...

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