
专题二 情态动词could和should 专项练(含解析)2023-2024学年初中英语人教版八年级下册

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:66次 大小:19891Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专题二 情态动词could和should 1.—Could you help me do the dishes —No, I _____. I cut my finger and I’m trying not to get it wet. A.couldn’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.can’t 2.—Mom, _____ I hang out with my friends this weekend —Yes, you can. But you _____ finish your homework first. A.must; should B.could; might C.could; should 3.— Excuse me, sir. _____ you tell me how to take a taxi by “Gaode” — With pleasure. I’ll show you. A.Could B.Should C.Must 4.—Mum, _____ I go shopping with you —Yes, you _____. But you have to finish your homework first. A.could; can B.could; could C.must; can D.must; could 5.—Mom, _____ I give away these books to the poor children —Sure, I’m glad to hear that. A.should B.could C.must 6.My brother is a smart boy. He _____ read when he was five. A.must B.should C.would D.could 7.—Mom, _____ I hang out with my friend, Lily —Sure, but you have to come back before 9 o’clock. A.would B.should C.must D.could 8.—_____ I play basketball with my classmates after school —Of course. A.Will B.Must C.Need D.Could 9.—We need to tell students about the School Day next week. —Let’s hand out notices, or we _____ put up signs. A.could B.must C.have to 10.— I forgot to bring my dictionary. Could I use yours — Yes, you _____. A.can B.must C.could 11.—_____ I watch a movie with Ken, Mom — Sorry, you can’t. You have so much homework to do. A.Could B.Will C.Need D.Must 12.—_____ I stay up late to watch a ball game — No, you _____. You’ll have a test tomorrow. A.Need, mustn’t B.Must, needn’t C.Can, couldn’t D.Could, can’t 13.—Excuse me, _____ you please tell me where I can post a letter —_____. Turn left. There is a post office on Fifth Road. A.could; Sure B.could; Sorry C.will; Sounds great D.will; Good idea 14.—Mom, _____ I invite my friends to a party —Sorry, you _____. You have a test on Monday. A.could; can’t B.can; mustn’t C.must; couldn’t 15.—Could I go to a movie this evening, Mom —_____. You should prepare for your math exam. A.Yes, you could B.No, you can’t C.No, you couldn’t D.Yes, you can 16.—In order to realize Chinese modernization, what can we youth do —You _____ communicate with the world equally, share your own opinions, make your voices heard, and tell the world who you are. A.must B.mustn’t C.should D.will 17.— We still need one person to play the game. — Try phoning Alex—he loves the game a lot and _____ be interested in this! A.should B.need C.can D.has to 18.—Jimmy broke your cup! But why weren’t you angry —It’s just a cup! Why _____ I care any more about such things. A.should B.could C.might D.must 19.In order to save more space on the phone, we _____ set up the apps that are not often used. A.can B.can’t C.should D.shouldn’t 20.Your poster _____ be bright-colored to keep the viewers’ attention. A.should B.need C.can D.may 21.Life can change to be harder sometimes, then we ... ...

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