
2023-2024学年初中英语人教版八年级下册专题三 动词短语专项练(一)(含解析)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:28次 大小:20217Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专题三 动词短语 1.— What did you say just now — Lunch is ready. Please _____ the knives and forks at the lunch table. A.lay out B.put out C.take out D.give out 2.Mr Smith is helping his little son _____ the broken bike in the yard. A.look up B.wake up C.fix up D.cut up 3.Jack _____ the empty bottle on the floor and threw it into a dustbin. A.opened up B.picked up C.took up D.moved up 4.My father is _____ a new novel. A.writing on B.coming out C.working on D.give up 5.—You’d better take a notebook with you so that you can _____ important information. —Thank you for your advice. A.die down B.take down C.lie down 6.Grace always carefully _____ what teachers say in class and that’s why she can do well in the tests. A.looks after B.cares for C.works on D.takes down 7.Our school _____ an after-school group to do volunteer work last term. A.set up B.cheered up C.looked up D.fixed up 8.—Simon failed the exam again. —That’s not puter games _____ too much time of his time. A.look up B.put up C.get up D.take up 9.For students, good health _____ proper exercise, enough sleep and happy moods, I think. A.works on B.depends on C.decides on 10.On seeing the tigers, Sandy felt a little afraid, but she _____ after she knew they were not dangerous to humans. A.calmed down B.fell down C.came down D.put down 11.May I _____ the Party A.join B.join in C.take part D.take part in 12.A few weeks ago, my brother _____ and broke his left leg in a soccer game. A.fell down B.cut down C.woke up D.grew up 13.The box is too heavy to carry. It is _____ books. A.filled with B.full with C.covered with D.used for 14.—Why were you late, Jack —The traffic was heavy. And, my car _____ on the way and I had to walk to the office. A.broke down B.put down C.fell down D.turned down 15.Almost every university now has a website which allow us to _____ the information about it. A.look at B.look around C.look through 16.—Mom, can you teach me how to make fruit salad —Of course. You should _____ these fruits first. A.cut up B.put up C.eat up 17.Your temperature is 39℃. You _____. Go to the doctor now. A.have a cough B.have a headache C.have a fever 18.We can’t _____ this math problem. Can you help us A.work out B.put up C.prepare for 19.—Please _____ the paper, Jimmy! —But I haven’t checked it yet, Mr. Smith. A.hand in B.take out C.look at D.go through 20.—We need to _____ a guest room for your cousin. He is coming next night. —How about sharing a room with me A.make up B.fix up C.use up D.mess up 21.In China, people usually_____ their houses to sweep away bad luck before the Spring Festival. A.clean up B.cheer up C.make up D.fix up 22.—Did you have a welcome party for Laura last night —No, we didn’t. It was _____ because Laura was in hospital. A.taken after B.cut out C.put off D.picked up 23.—The house is so dirty. Can you _____ , Bob —OK, Mom. I’ll do it right away ... ...

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