
Module 6 Unit 3 Language in use课件(共32张PPT) 外研版八年级上册

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:55次 大小:12093111Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 6 Unit 3 Language in use 学习目标 重点探究 自主学习 学习导航 当堂检测 课堂总结 拓展提升 新课导入 1. It allows people _____ (get) closer to them. 2. We all need _____(help) animals _____(live) in peace. 3. Let’s find out what else we can do _____(save) as many animals as possible. 4. In order _____(protect) pandas in the world, the government is setting up nature parks. to get to help live to save to protect 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 新课导入 5. That means we can give money _____(help) protect the animals. 6. Pandas born in zoos may go back _____(live) in the nature parks. to help to live 我们可以用动词不定式来说明宾语的情况,此时动词不定式在句中作宾语补足语。 动词不定式还可以在句中表示行为动作的目的,作目的状语。 学习目标 1.能熟悉并正确运用本课时的 重点单词和短语 2.能灵活运用动词不定式 3.能用英语说出保护动物的方法 自主学习 Ⅰ.单词过关。 1.n.蛇 2.n.颈;脖子 3.adj.薄的;细长的 4.n.危险 5.adj.感兴趣的 snake neck thin danger interested 6.v.允许 7.v.保护 8.adj.野生的 n.野生环境 9.v.(逐渐)变得;生长 (过去式) 10.adj.足够的;充分的 allow protect wild grow grew enough 自主学习 Ⅱ.短语突破 1.处于危险中 2.最后;终于 3.想到;想出 4.夺去;拿走 5.和平地;平静地 in danger at last think of take away in peace 6.照顾;照管 7.接近;靠近 8.需要做某事 9.发现;查明 10.允许某人做某事 look after get close to … need to do sth. find out allow sb. to do sth. 重点探究 1 Match the two parts of the sentences. 1. They let the elephants… 2. We want the animals… 3. We should not allow the situation… 4. Help us… 5. They came here… …help. … to become dangerous. …plant more bamboo. …live in the nature park. …to be safe. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. develop feed save tell The government is trying _____ plans to protect animals in danger. 2. He sent an email _____ people what was happening. 3. In order _____ pandas, people will grow more bamboo in the mountains. 4. The zoo asks us not _____ the animals. to develop They are working hard a better life for pandas. to tell to save to feed to make 3. Complete the sentences. How many different sentences can you make 1. I went to the nature park to… 2. They asked the children… 3. Let’s help them… 4. We want… Complete the conversations with the expressions in the box. a) shall we meet b) to ask me c) to protect them d) to see a film e) will it start Tony: Hi, Tony speaking. Daming: Hi, Tony. It’s Daming. Do you want (1)___ this evening Tony: Oh, it’s very nice of you (2)___. What’s the film about Daming: It’s about animals in danger, and what the government is doing (3)___ d) b) c) Tony: Oh, I’d like to see it. I’m doing my homework about that. What time (4)___ Daming: At eight o’clock. Tony: So what time (5)____ Daming: At half past seven, outside the school gate. Tony: OK. See you then. Daming: See you. e) a) 5 Work in pairs. Act out the conversation in Activity 4. 6 Complete the passage with the c ... ...

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