
Module 6 Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them all.课外作业练习题 (含答案) 外研版英语八年级上册

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:32次 大小:24091Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024—2025学年八上(外研) Module 6 Unit2 课外作业练习题 Class _Name Number 一、单项填空 ()1.Alice gets up early every morning in order to in the park. A.running B.ran C.run D.runs ( )2 . Though the scientists have done lots of research the illness,there is still a long way to go. A.on B.of C.for D.with ()3.There are some flowers on_ side of the road. A.both B.every C.each D.all ()4.--What you tomorrow afternoon a football match.I want to watch it. A.are;,going to do;There will have B.will;do,There will going to be C.will;do,There is going to be D.will;do;There have ()5.Some birds insects(昆虫). A.feed on B.eat on C.have on D.take on 二、完形填空 Spirit bears belong to(属于)the American black bear family.They are special because of their_ coats. There are many black bears in Canada, 2 only about 10%of them are white.Many scientists have been studying these bears for years.They don't 3 why they are white.It's interesting that in a 4 there are white and black bears at the same time! The white spirit bears are big beautiful bears.People can only 5 them in Canada.A spirit bear is a very cute and gentle 6 It will only attack(袭击)a person if its baby bear is in 7 For some people,their greatest wish is to see one of these bears. However,because there are 8 of them in the forests,not many people got to see them.In fact,the y are becoming fewer and fewer.Many of these bears are losing their 9 because the forests are getting smaller and smaller.People are worried that if we don't 10 these bears,all of them may die off in the future. ( )1.A.black B.white C.brown D.colourful ( )2.A.so B.or C.but D.then ( )3.A.understand B.buy C.lose D.return ( )4.A.team B.club C.class D.family ( )5.A.find B.hear C.draw D.look ( )6.A.people B.child C.animal D.plant ( )7.A.love B.safe C.danger D.health ( )8.A.many B.few C.much D.little ( )9.A.schools B.offices C.jobs D.homes ( )10.A.protect 三、阅读理解 B.kiss C.pick D.sell For many of us,a zoo is a good place to see lots of wild animals.It allows us to know more about all kinds of wild animals.Visiting a zoo is an enjoyable trip for us and we can learn a lot about animals from it,but is it the best place for animals to live in A long time ago,most people could only see wild animals that were dead in a museum. Later,people caught live animals and put them into zoos for people to see.Modern zoos have changed animals'living conditions and tried to help animals live in safe places. Some people don't think it's right to put animals into zoos for people to see.But zoos try to show they can help protect animals and teach more people to help protect animals.Some scientists believe if we didn't put some animals in danger into zoos,we wouldn't see most of them now.Some zoos have saved as many animals in danger as possible.In order to protect wild animals,governments in different countries are setting up nature zoos and developing other plans. People still have different ideas about the question“Should we keep animals in zoos ” now.Sci ... ...

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