
外研版八年级上册Module 6 Animals in danger Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them all.教案

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:54次 大小:436446Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 6 Animals in danger Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them all. 【教学目标】 1. Key vocabulary—research, baby, scientist, produce, southwest, feed, government, nature, develop, symbol Key structures—nature park, in order to, set up 2. To read and understand the reading material about pandas 3. To grasp the main idea of each paragraph of the passage 4. To learn to help and save animals in danger 【教学重点】 1. To get information from the reading material about pandas. 2. To learn some new words. 【教学难点】 To understand the main idea of each paragraph of the article. 【教学过程】 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming up Look at the pictures and answer the questions about the panda. Pandas are our national treasure(国宝) and most of them are living in nature parks happily. Step 2 Consolidate new words Look and say. The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible. Step 3 Pre-reading Say what you know about pandas Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and say something about pandas. Step 4 Reading Read for prediction Read the headings and predict what you think will be in each paragraph. Scan the passage and check whether your predictions were correct. Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs. Paragraph 1 Nature parks for pandas Paragraph 2 WWF and animals in danger Paragraph 3 The panda’s home Paragraph 4 An animal in danger Learning to learn Sometimes you can learn new words through translation. For example, when you learn “government”, you can take a card and write the English word on one side and the Chinese on the other. Practise saying “government” and check that you remember the meaning. Read Paragraphs 1&2 and answer the following questions. 1. How many pandas are there in the world 2. What problems are scientists doing research to solve 3. Where do pandas live Read Paragraphs 3&4. Check the following sentences and correct the wrong sentences. 1. Pandas will have more bamboo to eat. 2. Pandas born in the wild may live in zoos in the future. 3. The WWF is working hard to save panda only. Cultural tips Do you know the meaning of this symbol The World Wide Fund for Nature Founded: April 29, 1961 Headquarters: Switzerland Motto: For a living planet Fill in the blanks. Complete the sentences. 1. Scientists do a lot of research _____. 2. The government is setting up nature parks _____. 3. The WWF chose the panda _____. 4. The WWF is working hard _____. Keys: to help pandas to produce more babies and help baby pandas live to protect pandas in the wild to be its symbol to save all the animals Read the passage carefully and get the main idea and choose the words from the box, then use the correct form to fill in the blanks. baby government nature produce save Scientists situation symbol Zoos and research centers protect animals. (1) _____ do a lot of research to help pandas (2) _____ more babies. Very few (3) _____ pandas are born outside zoos. Many people are worried ... ...

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