
Module 6 Unit 3 Language in use八年级英语外研版上册课时优化训练(含答案)

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:38次 大小:18546Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 6 Animals in danger Unit 3 Language in use—八年级英语外研版上册课时优化训练 一、词汇互译 1.The bird fell onto the ground after the man _____ (射击) it. 2.The cooks use different kinds of _____ (刀) to cut vegetables. 3.Ms Smith often _____ (提供) poor students with food and clothes. She is really kind. 4.They are doing a lot of _____ (研究) to help animals. 5.Which animals are in _____(危险) Do you know, Mike 二、完成句子 6.我需要拿走压力,放松自我。 I need to _____ _____ the stress and relax myself. 7.我们终于弄清楚了这次事件的真相。 We finally _____ _____ the truth of this event. 8.为了有个好座位,她早早就到了。 She arrived early _____ _____ _____ _____ a good seat. 9.他们正在制订计划成立一个野生动物倶乐部。 They are making a plan to _____ _____ a wildlife club. 10.我们需要捡起地上的垃圾。 We need _____ _____ _____ the litter on the ground. 三、阅读理解 Today, we often see delivery men(送货员) taking food to people. Do you believe that self-driving cars--cars without drivers will bring food to you in the near future That sounds interesting, doesn’t it Now Baidu and Meituan are working together to use self-driving cars to deliver food. These companies use them to send group orders(订单). For example, when a company orders food for people working there, a self-driving car will bring all of their orders to the company quickly and safely. Online food ordering is becoming popular all around China, even in small villages. Till now, about 300 million users use different apps to order food online. Some researchers(研究人员) say that using self-driving cars will be a revolution(变革)in the food delivery. They will make a great difference in the future. At the same time, some people think there must be some problems. For example, self-driving cars can drive well on flat(平坦的)roads, but what will happen when the road is not flat Some other people worry that most of the delivery men will lose their jobs in the future. What do you think of using self-driving cars to deliver food 11.Baidu and Meituan are working together to _____. A.use self-driving cars to deliver food. B.find more and more delivery men. C.use more Chinese cars in their work. 12.The word “They” in Paragraph 3 refers to “_____ ”. A.Some researchers. B.Self-driving cars. C.Different apps. 13.What can we know from the passage A.Some researchers think self-driving cars are safer and quicker. B.Many villages are using self-driving cars to deliver food. C.About 300 million users order food online till now. 14.The best title of the passage is _____. A.The introduction of self-driving cars. B.The problems of using self-driving cars. C.The worries from delivery men. 答案以及解析 一、词汇互译 1.答案:shot 2.答案:knives 3.答案:provides 4.答案:research 5.答案:danger 二、完成句子 6.答案:take away 7.答案:found out 8.答案:in order to get 9.答案:set up 10.答案:to pick up 三、阅读理解 11.答案:A 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段Now Baidu and Meituan are working together to use self-driving ... ...

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