ID: 21259654


日期:2024-12-19 科目:科学 类型:小学课件 查看:59次 大小:27444775B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 14 青岛版科学一年级上册 奶奶用放大镜才能看清药瓶上的子,这是为什么呢? 探究·实践 活动1 了解并使用放大镜 放大镜是什么样的? 摸一摸,放大镜的镜片和普通玻璃片有什么区别? 透过镜片,字看起来大了。 使用放大镜 1. 手持放大镜,对准物体。 2. 在物体和眼睛之间来回移动放大镜,直至被观察物体大而清楚。 不能用放大镜看太阳! 用放大镜能看清小虫的触角。 放大镜能帮助我们观察物体的细节,是常用的观察工具。 探究·实践 活动2 生活中的放大镜 昆虫观察盒 头戴式放大镜 回顾·评价 利用放大镜看清叶子的纹理,属于借助工具观察。放大镜增强了观察效果。 拓展·迁移 两个放大镜叠在一起用 用两个放大器叠在一起看看。 0 2024新课标 我是 中∈ 人 我 爱我们的祖 E 我 是 小 学生 我爱学语六 -- 公 2 W 202 湖材委员会专家委员会审核榜 义务教育教科书 2024 科学 一年级上册 弧青岛出版集团丨青岛-出卷网- 1吹泡胞泡 2把它们立起来 3我的“ 号 县 看 听一 5 石摸一摸 7闻和尝 给树做“名片 0玩1车 1玩彩捉 2玩磁铣 归做纸蜻蜓 4认识放大镜 5研究削笔刀 修理玩具 囝政丝蜻延 4h识小镜 巧完削笔刀 G笪玩具 图片来源:Veer图库www. ● P ●● ● 兴《 0 I jing kuang 镜 框 n a 镜 片 缆 bi 柄 fang da jing de jingpian shi 放大镜的镜片是 tou ming de zhong jian hou 透明的 中间厚 bian yuan bao 边缘薄。 mo fang da jing de jing pian mo pu tong bo li pian 摸放大镜的镜片 摸普通玻璃片 ing predestinated us unto ithout blame De tion ol en by Jesus Christ to himself,according to mind;and were by flesh,tunz4“7 even as others is rich in merey,for ms great An sins,hath fellows o the praise of the glory of his grace, ein he hath made us accepted in the be- od pleasure of his will 4 But God dead in brist,(by grace ye beginn who c love 10 whom we have redemption through his the forgiveness of sins,according to the in the ag and made us hrist Jesus: ght shew the ding riches kindness to- Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all 11 es of his grace; Having made known unto us the mystery d. us through Ch h faith;and pur s will,according to his good pleasure which sdom and prudence; by grace are God: boast. created in co 10 That in the dispensation of the fulness ath purposed in himself: imes he might gather together in one all thi ot of yourselve or I ch God hath in Christ,both which are in heaven,and f works,les k in them. being in time are called Uncir- the are on earth;even in him: whom also we have obtaine called 111n inheritance, being predestinated are nade by hands; the purpose of him who worket ye were without Christ the counsel of his own uat ye heard 12 Tha 12 That we sho of your salva- being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel who first tr believed,ye and strangers from the covenants of promise, 131m at ye】 having no hope and without God in the world: 13 But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes the Spirit of promise, mest of our inheritance until were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ on of the purchased】 possession, 14 For he is our peace,who hath made both 15 Wherefore I also,after I heard of your faith one,and hath broken down the middle wall of unto tne praise ... ...

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