
人教版(2024)七年级上册Starter Unit 1 Hello Section A 课件+音频(共18张PPT,含内嵌视频)

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:20次 大小:32646943Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Starter Unit1 sectionA How do you greet people Hello! warming up My name is ... About Me I am ... I like ... Free talk 1. Where are they 2. How do they greet each other 3. Who are they They are at the school gate.(大门) Hi、Hello、Good morning Teng Fei Fu Xing Yaming Peter Helen 1a Match the names with the faces. Teng Fei Fu Xing Yaming Peter Brown Helen Chinese names Ella and Emma English names Teng Fei Family/Last name Given/First name Peter Brown Family/Last name Given/First name Greet your classmates. Hello, I’m .....! What's your name Hello! My name is ...... Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. Tips: 1a Watch and sing the letters. 2b Listen and circle the letters you hear in 2a. What can you see in the picture students teacher What are they doing 2c Read and fill in the blanks with the correct sentences in the box. C B D A = Can you spell your name Miss 是对未婚女性的称呼 Mrs 是对已婚女性的称呼 Ms 是对未知婚否女性的称呼 2d Make up a conversation to greet each other. A: Good morning. B: . What's your name A: . B: How do you spell your name A: . B: Goodbye! A: . How do we greet people Greeting Good morning/afternoon/evening! Hi/Hello! How are you How's it going Name I'm*****.What's your name How do you spell your name Bye Goodbye! See you! Exercises I. Words, phrases and sentences 1. 问候;打招呼 2. 拼写 3. 单元 6. 你怎样跟别人打招呼? 4. 部分;地区 5. 早上好 7.你叫什么名字? 8.你怎么拼写你的名字? greet spell unit How do you greet people section What's your name How do you spell your name good morning Exercises II. Write the letters before and after the given letter. 1. H 2. g 3. t 4. K 5. i 6. n 7. P 8. w G I f h s u J L h j m o O Q v x 1 Listen to the 26 letters and find them on the keyboard. Where is A A is here. Phonics Song 2 Find some rules and repeat the letters. 3 Listen to these letters. Match them with the picture. A C E D B People's Liberation Army of China the People's Republic of China United Nation Vertual Reality Compat Disc 感谢Thank you

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