
人教版(2024)七年级上册Starter Unit 1 Hello Section A课件+音频(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:79次 大小:24574210Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) STARTER UNIT 1 How do you greet people Hello! SECTION A 1a Look at the picture. Match the names with the faces. Fu Xing Helen Peter Teng Fei Yaming 1b Greet your classmates. Hello, … Hi, … Good morning, … Good morning, … Listen and say the letters. Then practise writing them. 2a 2b Listen and circle the letters you hear in 2a. 0 Listen to three conversations. Fill in the blanks with the correct sentences in the box. 2c A. Hi, everyone! B. So, what’s your name C. Nice to meet you too, FuXing! D. Good morning, Ms Gao. 1. Ms Gao: Good morning, class. Class: _____ Ms Gao: Sit down, please. D 请坐 Sit down 2. Ms Gao: Hello, Peter. Can you say hi to the class Peter: _____ I’m Peter Brown. Ms Gao: Thank you, Peter. Now class, please say hi to each other. A A. Hi, everyone! B. So, what’s your name C. Nice to meet you too, FuXing! D. Good morning, Ms Gao. say hi to the class say hi to sb. 向某人问好 each other 互相;彼此 3. Emma: Good morning. My name is Emma. Fu Xing: Good morning, Emma. Emma: _____ Fu Xing: Oh, I’m Fu Xing. Nice to meet you, Emma. Emma: _____ B C A. Hi, everyone! B. So, what’s your name C. Nice to meet you too, FuXing! D. Good morning, Ms Gao. 2d Make up a conversation to greet each other. A: Good morning. My name is _____. B: _____. A: So what’s your name B: I’m _____.Nice to meet you. A: _____. Judy Good morning, Judy Sarah Nice to meet you too Pronunciation Listen to the 26 letters. Find them on the keyboard. Then practise with a partner. 1 A: Where is A B: A is here. 1. /e / Aa Hh Jj Kk 2. /i:/ Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz 3. /e/ Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz 4. /a / Ii Yy 5. / / Oo 6. /ju:/ Qq Uu Ww 7. /ɑ / Rr Listen and repeat the letters. 2 1. PRC _____ 2. PLA _____ 3. VR _____ 4. WHO _____ 5. UN _____ People’s Liberation Army Virtual Reality 中国人民解放军 虚拟现实 World Health Organization People’s Republic of China United Nations 世界卫生组织 中华人民共和国 联合国 首字母缩略词 Listen to these letters. Match them with the pictures. 3 1. PRC _____ 2. PLA _____ 3. VR _____ 4. WHO _____ 5. UN _____ B E A C D Listen and sing the song. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T. U, V, W, X, Y, Z. X, Y, Z — now you see, I can say my ABCs. 4 Exercises 一、写出下列每组字母中包含不同音的一项 1 F f N n E e Xx ( ) 2 H h O o A a J j ( ) 3 P p B b V v R r ( ) 4 U u Y y W w Q q ( ) E e O o R r Y y 二、请写出以下字母的左邻右舍。 1. ____ t ____ 2. ____ Vv ____ 3. N ____ ____ 4. ____ Yy ____ 5. ____ ____ Ee 6. ____ Jj ____ 7. ____ Hh ____ 8. ____ Ll ____ 9. ____ Rr ____ s u Uu Ww O P Xx Zz Cc Dd Ii Kk Gg Ii Kk Mm Qq Ss THANKS

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