
Unit 5 基础考点专项训练(含解析版答案)【人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?】

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:29次 大小:882232Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 5基础考点和词汇运用专项练习(含答案) 一、基础考点专项练习 ( )1.My parents like soap operas, but I can't them. A.like B.mind C.expect D.stand ( )2.—That boy is my friend. He is because his parents died last year. —What a poor boy! A.unhealthy B.unlucky C.lucky D.healthy ( )3.My foreign friend Rita hopes to China. She likes Chinese culture very much. A.come B.to come C.coming D.came ( )4.I mind junk food, so I often refuse potato chips. A.eating; having B.to eat; having C.eating; to have D.to eat; to have ( )5.—How beautiful the flowers are! —These flowers are very .You can see them everywhere. A.enjoyable B.common C.fresh D.wonderful ( )6.I like to watch the best because I want to find out what's going on around the world. A.news B.sitcoms C.talk shows D.talent shows ( )7.—Why do you look so excited, Mr. Liu —The main is that my son won first place in the sports meeting. A.reason B.result C.difference D.example ( )8.—Let's go to watch the sea animal show tomorrow.— . A.Thank you. B.Good idea! C.Long time no see. D.It’s very kind of you! ( )9.I tried to lead the back to the main issue. A.plan B.joke C.cartoon D.discussion ( )10.The city is famous its beautiful beaches and many people visit them every year. A.to B.at C.of D.for 二、词汇应用专项练习 (一)根据句意及首字母提示,写出所缺单词的适当形式 1.I like to watch a movies because they’re exciting. 2.Jerry e to get greater success by studying hard. 3.I think it's really a successful TV c . 4.Mike, I’d like to know the r why you are late for school again. 5.China is f for the Great Wall around the world. (二)短文填空 阅读短文,根据汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。 Frank is different from other children in many ways. He watches TV every day after school, but he never watches 1. (动画片).He likes to watch 2. (有教育意义的)TV shows. For example, he thinks documentaries(纪录片) are interesting because he can learn about different 3. (文化)of different countries. He likes to watch 4. (新闻),too.“It tells me what is 5. (发生) around the world," he said. Frank doesn't 6. (期待 )holidays. He 7. (希望) he can go to school every day, because he has a lot of questions, and his teacher is always 8. (准备好的)to give him the answers. The library is Frank's favorite place.He likes to read books about 9. (著名的) people.He wants to be as 10. (成功的)as those people one day. Unit 5基础考点和词汇运用专项练习解析版答案 一、基础考点专项练习 1.D【句意:我父母喜欢肥皂剧,但是我不能忍受它们。like喜欢;mind 介意;expect期待;stand忍受。故选D。】 2.B【根据设空处后的“because his parents died last year”可知这个男孩是不幸的。】 3.B【hope to do sth.希望做某事。故选 B.】 4.C【句意:我介意吃垃圾食品,所以我经常拒绝吃薯片。mind doing sth.介意做某事;refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事。故选C.】 5.B【句意:—这些花好漂亮啊!—这些花很常见,你到处都可以见到它们。enjoyable愉快的;common常见的,普通的;fresh新鲜的;wonderful精彩的。故选 B.】 5.A 【根据“what's going on around the world”可知,“新闻”符 ... ...

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